ways to de-sensitize inputs?

in my project, I take some input values using digitalRead(), but the input pins are behaving too sensitively for my needs. For instance, I want to sense when an input pin is connected to ground. The input reads fine when it is connected, or when it is disconnected and pulled high. However, the input pin will read LOW if i connect the pin to ground just by touching both with my hands, which it shouldn't.

Should I use a lower value pullup? Or is there a better way to do this?

Yes, it does sound like a lower-value pullup could be useful. What value are you using?

The Flexible MIDI Shield: MIDI IN/OUT, stacking headers, your choice of I/O pins

I was using the internal 20k's, but I guess they weren't cutting it. Tried some 10k's and now it works fine :slight_smile: Thanks!