Is there a WDT (watch dog timer) function built in to the MKRWAN library. If not can someone please advise of a library that works please.
I have a problem where I think the MKR1300 freezes after multiple retries of sending to a gateway that has gone out of range for a few hours, and when the device is returned to site is then fails to send any traffic at all from any interupts (physical switches or sleep timer) until it is rebooted.
Problem is this is a random event. Some devices stay working after multiple excursions off site and work fine on their return. But others just never reconnect, until they are physically rebooted.
I have not ever used the WDT on the SAMD boards but, from some recent research, I know there are some libraries for this. What I've found useful when searching for Arduino-specific information on the MKR boards is to use the search term "zero" (e.g. arduino zero watchdog). The Arduino Zero has been around much longer than the MKRWAN so there is a lot more community-provided information relating to the Zero. The Zero uses the same ATSAMD21G18 microcontroller as the MKRWAN, so most of the information you find on the Zero will also apply to the MKRWAN
I didn't actually try the library. I was trying to help someone on the forum a few days ago and did a quick Google search just to see what was available for watchdog on the SAMD boards. Sorry that I wasn't able to give a better answer. I just thought that trick with the zero keyword was worth mentioning as it was helpful to me. I do own a MKRWAN but I haven't gotten around to playing with it much yet.