WDT Power saving interrupt in miliseconds

Hi guys, I am using the following code on the leonardo From this sitein the hopes to be able to have an interrupt based power saving arduino. The thing is I want to be able to run my code every 1/10th of a second, but the example code only explains how to change it by the second. Is it possible to change it, and also is it worth it considering my short time?

#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>

const byte LED13 = 13;
byte ledStatus = 1;
volatile unsigned int counter = 0;
volatile byte flag = 0;

void setup() {
   MCUSR = 0; //reset the status register of the MCU
   wdt_disable(); //disable the watchdog
   pinMode(LED13, OUTPUT); //pin 13 in OUTPUT
   digitalWrite(LED13, ledStatus); //LED on initially
   setWdt(); //set up the watchdog
   //set up the sleep
   set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); //sleep mode - POWER DOWN

void loop() {
   sleep_mode(); //CPU in sleep-this corresponds to sleep_enable+sleep_cpu+sleep_disable
   if (flag) {
      counter = 0;
      flag = 0;
      //other things to do can be put here
      ledStatus ^= 1; //toggle the LED
      digitalWrite(LED13, ledStatus);
      setWdt(); //re-set the watchdog

void setWdt() {
   SREG &= ~(1<<SREG_I); //disable global interrupts
   //prepare the watchdog's register
   WDTCSR |= ((1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE));
   //set the "Interrupt Mode" with a timeout of 1 sec
   WDTCSR = ((1<<WDIE)| (1<<WDP2) | (1<<WDP1)); 
   SREG |= (1<<SREG_I); //re-enable global interrupts

ISR(WDT_vect) {
   if (++counter >= 10) { //set here the # of seconds for the timeout
      flag = 1;

The WDT can be set for 1/8th second or 1/16th second but not 1/10th second.

The WDT can be set for 1/8th second or 1/16th second but not 1/10th second.

Thanks mate for your answer, thats a shame, but understandable, I appreciate it, you wouldn't happen to know which set_sleep_mode would still allow the use of I2C would you? I've tried googling it, but I have trouble understanding a fair bit of this.

I'm thinking that turning the arduino into sleep mode for 1/10th of a second then rewaking it again might not change the power much as its asleep for such a short period of time.

I have a thread about power saving which includes waking I2C from sleep.

I've been quoted the thread but I didn't get down enough to see the I2C part, thanks heaps mate, I really appreciate it, your amazing and its exactly what I'm looking for.