We were not able to upload the template sketch


I am ateacher and I have been attempting to use the Arduino Smart Green House for teaching in my computer science classes.
I have received the Arduino Smart Garden Kit. It has the mkr IOT Carrier and it uses the Arduino MRR WIFI 1010 board. I have been following the instructions and I can not seem to be able to upload the template scketches. I have tested the board with empty sketch both from the desktop IDE and the Cloud online IDE and everything is uploading fine. I have even uploaded the example analog readinding example and it works fine. However when I try to upload (import) a template scketch for humidty and temperaure, it gives me with the above error and a yellow backgroung Message saying "SOmethng went wrong". No debugging at all. I am also frustrated as I can not seem to be able to see the template code to at least attempt to debug it. I can't seem to attaching an emage of the error but I am adding a link to the template sketch.


I have tried other boards for good measure and, I still get the same error.

I have spent a few hours on this, and I am trying to use this in my lessons.

Any help will be deepy apreciated.

P.S. I have seen some of the posts with similar heading and the solutions do not seem to work for me.

Hi @saintcoder. I apologize for the problem importing the template.

The problem is that the template's sketch code was written for use with an older version of the "Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier" library. By default, Arduino Cloud uses the latest version of the libraries. Unfortunately there was a change in the recent release of this library that made it incompatible with the template's sketch. The template developers are aware of the problem, but haven't updated the sketch code yet. So at this time you must use the older version of the "Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier" library.

I'll provide instructions you can follow to configure Arduino Cloud to use the correct version of the library:

  1. Click the following link to open the reference page for the "Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier" library in your web browser:
  2. Click the "2.0.4" link under the "Releases" section of the page.
    A download of a ZIP file archive of that version of the library will start.
  3. If you are not already, log in to your Arduino account:
  4. Click the following link to open the Arduino Cloud home page:
  5. Click the "CREATE NEW" button on the home page.
    A menu will open.
  6. Select "New sketch" from the menu.
    A new sketch will open in Arduino Cloud Editor.
  7. Click the icon that looks like shelved books ("Libraries") in the bar on the left side of the Cloud Editor page.
    The "Libraries" panel will open.
  8. Click the icon that looks like shelved books ("Libraries") in the bar on the left side of the Cloud Editor page.
    The "Libraries" panel will open.
  9. Click the upward pointing arrow icon at the top of the "Libraries" panel.
    The "Open" dialog will open.
  10. Select the "ZIP" file of the library you downloaded at step (2) of these instructions in the dialog.
  11. Click the "Open" button.
    The "Open" dialog will close.
  12. You will now see an indicator at the top of the "Libraries" panel in place of the upward pointing arrow icon as the library is imported. Wait for this indicator to disappear.

Now try importing the template once again. Hopefully this time it will work as expected.

The explanation behind this workaround is that Arduino Cloud gives preference to any libraries you imported to your account over the pre-installed libraries. So by importing the compatible version 2.0.4 of the library to your account, it causes Arduino Cloud to use that version when compiling the template instead of the incompatible version 2.1.0 of the library as before.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Hi @ptillisch,

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at the issue I am having. I followed your instructions and it does not seem to solve the problem. I am still getting the same error. I checked that mkr iot carrier library I downloaded is in the custom section of the library and it is Release 2.1.0.

The main problem is that I can not try to diagnose the problem as there is no message apart from something went wrong. I am following the step by step instruction as it is in the Green House Kit for middle school https://greenhouse-kit.arduino.cc/. I follow the link for the template, it does not work. I also tried from the arduino cloud home templates, the same issue.

Is it possible that when I am trying to upload the templates it is not usng the same cloud ide in my account and still using the latest version of the mkr iot carrier libray?

Thank you for your help again.

It should be 2.0.4. You might have made a mistake at step (2) of the instructions I provided:

Thank you again for keeping on helping. The name of the file I downloaded is Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier-2.0.4.zip so I am guessing it is the right version, unless I am missing something.

In any case I deleted the library I uploaded and I downloaded the file again and uploaded it. And the problem persists.

I have tried other solutions as below:

I closed any sketch window open, incase it was serial comms problem. I closed chrome and restarted it again to release anything that might be using the serial comms. I checked my computer usb comms to check if there is a stray process using it, and nothing.

Anything else that could be causing this probelem. like I said if I upload a sketch to the mkr wifi 1010 coneected to carrier, I have no problem at all. The only issue is the templates, and unfortunately I need them if I want that to work if I want the stundets to follow the instructions.

Thank you again.

@ptillisch Sorry to come back to this again, I tried the blink template on Arduino uno Rev4, and Nicla Vision and I am getting the same error messages. So this makes me belive that the problem is not with the mkr iot library, there is something else broken.

To do a sanity check... I added my uno rev 4 to the device list, and attached it to a thing. I then created simple blink code using the bult in LED. I then created a variable in the thing to monitor the state of the pin and created a boolean display in the dashboard. It works perfectly. So this tells me there is nothing wrong with my cloud IDE configuration as well. I am scratching my head as to what could be the problem. Any help would be great.


Thanks for the clarification and for double-checking the library. I think this failure has a different cause than the use of the incompatible library.

I'm going to ask you to provide some additional information that might help us to identify the problem.

:exclamation: This procedure is not intended to solve the problem. The purpose is to gather more information.

Please do this:

  1. Click on the Arduino Create Agent icon (looks like an Arduino logo).
    If you are using Windows, the icon will be in the "notification area". If you are using macOS, it will be in the "menu bar".
    A menu will open.
  2. Select "Open Debug Console" from the menu.
    The "Arduino Create Agent Debug Console" page will open in your browser.
  3. Click the third button from the right in the toolbar at the bottom of the "Arduino Create Agent Debug Console" page.
    A menu will open.
  4. Select "HIDE 'LIST' COMMANDS" from the menu.
  5. Click the "CLEAR LOG" button that is located near the bottom right corner of the "Arduino Create Agent Debug Console" window.
  6. Leaving the Arduino Create Agent Debug Console browser tab open, attempt to import the template again, just as you did before.
  7. Once the process fails, switch to the Arduino Create Agent Debug Console browser tab.
  8. Click the "EXPORT LOG" button in the bottom right corner of the "Arduino Create Agent Debug Console" window.
    A download of a file named agent-log.txt will start.
  9. Open the downloaded "agent-log.txt" file in any text editor.
  10. Press the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select all the text.
  11. Press the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut.
    This will copy the selected text to the clipboard.
  12. Open a forum reply here by clicking the "Reply" button.
  13. Click the <CODE/> icon on the post composer toolbar. This will add the forum's code block markup (```) to your reply to make sure the output is correctly formatted.
    Code block icon on toolbar
  14. Press the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut. This will paste the output into the code block.
  15. Move the cursor outside of the code block markup before you add any additional text to your reply.
  16. Click the "Reply" button to post the output.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Here is the log.

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  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

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close COM21

  "Error": "We could not find the serial port COM21 that you were trying to close."

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

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downloadtool bossac 1.7.0 arduino keep

downloadtool arduino-fwuploader latest arduino keep

downloadtool rp2040tools latest arduino keep

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

downloadtool arduino-fwuploader latest arduino keep

downloadtool arduino-fwuploader latest arduino keep

downloadtool arduino-fwuploader latest arduino keep

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

downloadtool arduino-fwuploader latest arduino keep

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "The tool is already present on the system"

  "DownloadStatus": "Success",
  "Msg": "Map Updated"

  "Cmd": "Serial",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Starting"

  "Msg": "Flashing with command:C:/Users/israel.goitom/.arduino-create/arduino/arduino-fwuploader/2.4.1/arduino-fwuploader.exe firmware list -b arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Board                 FQBN                     Module   Version",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.0.0  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.1.0  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.2.1  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.2.2  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.2.3  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.2.4  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.3.0  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.0  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.1  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.2  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.3  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.4  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.5  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.6  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.7  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA     1.4.8  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010 NINA   ✔ 1.5.0  ",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Flash": "Ok",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Done"

  "Cmd": "Serial",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Starting"

  "Msg": "Flashing with command:C:/Users/israel.goitom/.arduino-create/arduino/arduino-fwuploader/2.4.1/arduino-fwuploader.exe firmware get-version -a COM21 -b arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Set binary mode",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "version()=v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "chipId=0x10010005",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Connected at 921600 baud",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "write(addr=0x20004000,size=0x34)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0x20004030,value=0x10)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0x20004020,value=0x20008000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Device       : ATSAMD21G18A",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Chip ID      : 10010005",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "version()=v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Version      : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Address      : 8192",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Pages        : 3968",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Page Size    : 64 bytes",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Total Size   : 248KB",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Planes       : 1",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Lock Regions : 16",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Locked       : readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "none",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004018)=0",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Security     : false",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Boot Flash   : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x40000834)=0x7000a",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "BOD          : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x40000834)=0x7000a",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "BOR          : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : FAST_CHIP_ERASE",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : FAST_MULTI_PAGE_WRITE",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : CAN_CHECKSUM_MEMORY_BUFFER",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Erase flash",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "chipErase(addr=0x2000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.932 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Write 18044 bytes to flash (282 pages)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x2000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[======                        ] 22% (64/282 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x3000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=============                 ] 45% (128/282 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x4000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[====================          ] 68% (192/282 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x5000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[===========================   ] 90% (256/282 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x680)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x6000, size=0x680)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[==============================] 100% (282/282 pages)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.176 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Verify 18044 bytes of flash with checksum.",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x2000, size=0x1000) = 4d54",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x3000, size=0x1000) = 3e67",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x4000, size=0x1000) = b157",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x5000, size=0x1000) = f5f3",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x6000, size=0x67c) = 609d",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Verify successful",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.019 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "CPU reset.",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0xe000ed0c,value=0x5fa0004)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "FIRMWARE-VERSION: 1.5.0",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Firmware version installed: 1.5.0",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Flash": "Ok",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Done"

  "Cmd": "Serial",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Starting"

  "Msg": "Restarting in bootloader mode",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Flashing with command:C:/Users/israel.goitom/.arduino-create/arduino/bossac/1.7.0-arduino3/bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM4 -U true -i -e -w -v C:/Users/ISRAEL~1.GOI/AppData/Local/Temp/arduino-create-agent2925637122/provisioning.bin -R",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Set binary mode",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "version()=v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "chipId=0x10010005",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Connected at 921600 baud",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "write(addr=0x20004000,size=0x34)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0x20004030,value=0x10)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0x20004020,value=0x20008000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Device       : ATSAMD21G18A",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Chip ID      : 10010005",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "version()=v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Version      : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 19 2018 09:45:14",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Address      : 8192",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Pages        : 3968",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Page Size    : 64 bytes",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Total Size   : 248KB",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Planes       : 1",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Lock Regions : 16",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Locked       : readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004020)=0xffff",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "none",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41004018)=0",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Security     : false",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Boot Flash   : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x40000834)=0x7000a",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "BOD          : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x40000834)=0x7000a",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "BOR          : true",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : FAST_CHIP_ERASE",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : FAST_MULTI_PAGE_WRITE",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Arduino      : CAN_CHECKSUM_MEMORY_BUFFER",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Erase flash",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "chipErase(addr=0x2000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.931 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Write 79796 bytes to flash (1247 pages)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x2000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=                             ] 5% (64/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x3000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[===                           ] 10% (128/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x4000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[====                          ] 15% (192/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x5000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[======                        ] 20% (256/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x6000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=======                       ] 25% (320/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x7000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=========                     ] 30% (384/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x8000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[==========                    ] 35% (448/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x9000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[============                  ] 41% (512/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xa000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=============                 ] 46% (576/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xb000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[===============               ] 51% (640/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xc000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[================              ] 56% (704/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xd000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[==================            ] 61% (768/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xe000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[====================          ] 66% (832/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0xf000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=====================         ] 71% (896/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x10000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[=======================       ] 76% (960/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x11000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[========================      ] 82% (1024/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x12000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[==========================    ] 87% (1088/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x13000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[===========================   ] 92% (1152/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x14000, size=0x1000)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[============================= ] 97% (1216/1247 pages)write(addr=0x20005000,size=0x7c0)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeBuffer(scr_addr=0x20005000, dst_addr=0x15000, size=0x7c0)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "\r[==============================] 100% (1247/1247 pages)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.632 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Verify 79796 bytes of flash with checksum.",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x2000, size=0x1000) = 21e5",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x3000, size=0x1000) = a0b4",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x4000, size=0x1000) = d4f2",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x5000, size=0x1000) = a1c6",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x6000, size=0x1000) = f5b1",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x7000, size=0x1000) = 6699",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x8000, size=0x1000) = 988d",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x9000, size=0x1000) = 25d7",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xa000, size=0x1000) = 5dec",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xb000, size=0x1000) = e298",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xc000, size=0x1000) = ad9c",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xd000, size=0x1000) = 6fe8",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xe000, size=0x1000) = fab5",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0xf000, size=0x1000) = 7dfe",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x10000, size=0x1000) = a02d",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x11000, size=0x1000) = 224",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x12000, size=0x1000) = 7b8c",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x13000, size=0x1000) = 95e0",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x14000, size=0x1000) = 47c4",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "checksumBuffer(start_addr=0x15000, size=0x7b4) = 3b0b",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "Verify successful",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "done in 0.082 seconds",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "CPU reset.",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0)=0x20007ffc",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410cc601",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "readWord(addr=0x41002018)=0x10010305",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Msg": "writeWord(addr=0xe000ed0c,value=0x5fa0004)",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Busy"

  "Flash": "Ok",
  "ProgrammerStatus": "Done"

open COM21 9600 timed

  "Cmd": "Open",
  "Desc": "Got register/open on port.",
  "Port": "COM21",
  "Baud": 9600,
  "BufferType": "timed"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "Would you like to generate a new private key and CSR (y/N): "

send COM21 y

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "y\r\n"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "Please enter the device id: "

send COM21 5f7f07a0-3db3-4ab6-aa8d-a522170be02a

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "5f7f07a0-3db3-4ab6-aa8d-a522170be02a\r\n"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "Generated CSR is:\r\n\r\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\nMIHrMIGRAgEAMC8xLTArBgNVBAMTJDVmN2YwN2EwLTNkYjMtNGFiNi1hYThkLWE1MjIxNzBiZTAy\nYTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABE3B6+kRnIxAhn+qklZLHeY/xx9Q24H45Z1hWN/z\nuJO/CFkun9ZAUf1NuO59DE2V8gsYYwWmJ2tqwIgABnywCROgADAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNJADBGAiEA\n9K9cb6Rvg+nIgcuicBFTkrSFhpaAF5BAumqJbqxc0I0CIQDZFmh6bD8A44v3r/N964N4GAxgdQmq\nvHaOfDOegDIw5Q==\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n\r\nPlease enter the issue year of the certificate (2000 - 2031): "

send COM21 2024

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "2024\r\nPlease enter the issue month of the certificate (1 - 12): 5\r\nPlease enter the issue day of the certificate (1 - 31): 10\r\nPlease enter the issue hour of the certificate (0 - 23): 7\r\nPlease enter how many years the certificate is valid for (0 - 31): 31\r\nPlease enter the certificates serial number: 126217534133621fa9fbfa390ce80116"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "\r\nPlease enter the certificates authority key identifier: 5b3e2a6b8ec9b01aa854e6369b8c09f9fce1b980\r\nPlease enter the certificates signature: 7f1fa81e41a9f9b45fb732c90f153db48331c4d96dc9e0df97093a4448225e67c1ba6a3b95f1b182e83ab258514c894be7c42504153ee3787d5a4ae8506b060d\r\n"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "Compressed cert = \r\n308201973082013DA0030201020210126217534133621FA9FBFA390CE80116300A06082A8648CE3D0403023045310B3009060355040613025553311"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "73015060355040A130E41726475696E6F204C4C43205553310B3009060355040B130249543110300E0603550403130741726475696E6F3020170D3234303531303037303030305A180F32303535303531303037303030305A302F312D302B0603550403132435663766303761302D336462332D346162362D616138642D6135323231373062653032613059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D0301070342000"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "44DC1EBE9119C8C40867FAA92564B1DE63FC71F50DB81F8E59D6158DFF3B893BF08592E9FD64051FD4DB8EE7D0C4D95F20B186305A6276B6AC08800067CB00913A3233021301F0603551D230418301680145B3E2A6B8EC9B01AA854E6369B8C09F9FCE1B980300A06082A8648CE3D040302034800304502207F1FA81E41A9F9B45FB732C90F153DB48331C4D96DC9E0DF97093A4448225E67022100C1BA6A3B95F1B182E83AB258514C894BE7C42504153EE3787D5A4AE8506"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "B060D\r\nChecking firmware of WiFi module...\r\n\r\n"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "C"

  "P": "COM21",
  "D": "urrent firmware version: 1.5.0\r\nLatest firmware version correctly installed.\r\n"

close COM21

Closing serial port COM21

Shutting down reader on COM21

  "Cmd": "Close",
  "Desc": "Got unregister/close on port.",
  "Port": "COM21",
  "Baud": 9600

Shutting down writer on COM21

writerBuffered just got closed. make sure you make a new one. port:COM21

Thank you for the help.

@ptillisch any luck with identifying what the problem might be?

Salve anche io ho lo stesso problema. Inoltre non riesco a collegare il cavo al sensore Solis Moisture v1 in quanto il connettore presente in dotazione è più grande di quello presente sul cavo

Ciao anche io ho lo stesso problema, ma sulla porta COM3. come hai risolto poi?

@marinotesta it was not solved. However when I created the code myself through creating the thing after adding a device it works. I think the problem might have been solved. I have not tested the templates since then, so I don't know if they work.

Sai dirmi come posso attuare la tua soluzione? Non sono molto esperto di arduino.

@marinotesta yes sure. The best way to understand it is to go through the Arduino tutorial on how to set up an iot. The steps are

1.first configure your device. This is done automatically.
2.Then you attach a thing again the wizard will help tou set this up.
3.Once that is done add your variables. On the top right hand side of the screen there will be a tab called sketch. You click that one and it will get you started with your sketches.

I used this guide. It's easy to follow.


Good luck,

@saintcoder Grazie molte. Dove posso trovare invece i sorgenti del progetto greenhouse kit ?

@marinotesta the greenhouse kit comes with a code for the lessons. The lessons are in the following link:


Hope this helps.