I some days ago I wrote the code for weather station with current values on lcd display. Next, I decided to connect it to the internet. I made php script which catches GET request from Arduino UNO, saves it in MySQL and index.php to display current values on website. I checked php scripts with requestmaker.com and it works.
But unfortunately - arduino sketch after the addition of code for ethernet module (enc28j60) doesn't work as I wished.
While sending code to the Arduino rx/tx leds are blinking normal. But after it, when sending is succesful, rx/tx are glowing steady red light, no blinking. And on serial monitor I see only the text from 85 line from sketch.
I thought that Arduino is bricked. I upload blinking led on 13 pin and everything was good. So the only option is bad sketch.
Can somebody look into my sketch and check what could be bad?
Sketch - #include <Wire.h>#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>#include <Adafruit_BMP085.h> - Pastebin.com