Hi all,
Sorry, to be more specific, this is my issue:
1 - There is a wall of LEDs scattered across a horizontal distance of ~40m, and 4m high.
2 - clients wish to light up these LEDs in their own way (interactive artwork)
3 - clients can use a form online to view the LED wall, and select which LEDs they want on and what colour
4 - clients can go to the wall IRL, use a nearby pc/tablet to log in to their account, find their saved form data (or custom LED configuration) and load it up.
So I need:
the online form (could also be part of webapp) to save its data to a database online (maybe as an array)
the web app, to select the data, assign it to variables. (array[0] = LED1, array[5] = LED6 etc etc)
then those variables to be assigned to the LEDs
What sort of technologies can achieve this? assuming I already have a series of Arduinos and LEDs
Thanks again!
HOW many LEDs will be on this shiny wall? 3000?
If you have a really big amount of LEDs you will need to plan a network of arduinos followed by considerations about the protocol you will use to controll them all!
You can use PHP and MySQL for the GUI and for datastorage. In the DB you will need to uniquely adress every arduino and every single attached LED with its brightness, and R,G,B values.
If you are done with that, you have to write a "bridge software" from MySQL to Serial communication.
Or mybe you want to yous the PHP Serial Library.
Give us some more info about how many LED are planned, which technology you prefer (only RGB LEDs or NEOPIXELs), etc...
It could be possible (depending on the amount of LEDs).
I hope you haven´t planned to finish this project before X-Mas