Webhooks using IFTTT

I am using an ESP8266 board with DHT11 sensor and have set up a Webook using IFTTT. I followed the guidance as per the Arduino documentation for setting this up. up (https://docs.arduino.cc/cloud/iot-cloud/tutorials/webhooks )

There is a particular step that instructs to ".... navigate to the Sketch tab, and upload the automatically generated code to your board." I have looked and looked but there is no code "generated automatically".

I am new to the whole field so have no idea how to format the "message" in the C environment or another way to pass the variables.

The webhook does respond to the trigger albeit without the values I am trying to record (humidity and temp)

Can anyone help me with this please? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance

I did a mailbox notifier using IFTTT, and copied some code I found somewhere. I really don't know much about it, but the code works, and might help you figure out what you need to do.


here is some more tutorial stuff about ifttt and webhooks

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best regards Stefan

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