I try build a webradio, but for this i want using a manual scroll (sh1105 oled wont support scroll instruction), because the played song is too long and sometimes changing 15 seconds. This a station ad, what some station use and after we receive again the played song/artist.
But here comes the problem, sometimes scroll need more time to display the received data than the speed of receive this data: scroll wont have enough time to display all string, during scroll will this change.
I need help somehow ignore this change: store this char*/string data and ,,receive" delayed for scroll to give enough time display the full received string.
Basic code sketch looks so, using cs1053 mp3 decoder - vs1053 ext library:
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WiFi.h"
#include "SPI.h"
//#include "SD.h"
//#include "FS.h"
#include "vs1053_ext.h"
// Digital I/O used
//#define SD_CS 5
#define VS1053_MOSI 23
#define VS1053_MISO 19
#define VS1053_SCK 18
#define VS1053_CS 2
#define VS1053_DCS 4
#define VS1053_DREQ 36
String ssid = "xxxx";
String password = "xxx";
int volume=15;
VS1053 mp3(VS1053_CS, VS1053_DCS, VS1053_DREQ, VSPI, VS1053_MOSI, VS1053_MISO, VS1053_SCK);
//The setup function is called once at startup of the sketch
void setup() {
//pinMode(SD_CS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SD_CS, HIGH);
SPI.begin(VS1053_SCK, VS1053_MISO, VS1053_MOSI);
WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), password.c_str());
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) delay(1500);
void loop()
void vs1053_showstation(const char *info){ // called from vs1053
Serial.print("STATION: ");
Serial.println(info); // Show station name
void vs1053_showstreamtitle(const char *info){ // called from vs1053
Serial.print("STREAMTITLE: ");
Serial.println(info); // Show title
Basic scroll code what im using looks so:
void scrollText(String str) {
int len = str.length() * scroll_char_width;
if (scroll_pos + len <= SCREEN_WIDTH) scroll_pos += len;
display.drawString(scroll_pos, scroll_y, str);
if (scroll_pos > 0)
display.drawString(scroll_pos - len, scroll_y, str);
display.drawString(scroll_pos + len, scroll_y, str);
Received Streamtitle/Artist data looks from Serial terminal window so, here is visible these changes, what makes effect on scroll visibility:
19:55:15.610 -> Kilencvenesek - Csak a legjobbak a 90-es evekbol!
19:55:29.593 -> Squeezer - Get It Right [1997]
19:56:05.588 -> Kilencvenesek - Csak a legjobbak a 90-es evekbol!
19:56:17.601 -> Squeezer - Get It Right [1997]
19:56:53.587 -> Kilencvenesek - Csak a legjobbak a 90-es evekbol!
19:57:05.615 -> Squeezer - Get It Right [1997]