October 4, 2022, 4:26pm
Good Day,
I'm trying to make a web server with Ethernet Shield with an input form to be stored into the EEPROM. Basically I have to store four variables values that must be used in other task.
I'm not very skilled in HTML. Any suggestion?
Thank you!
October 4, 2022, 4:29pm
Any suggestion?
assuming you have a UNO or MEGA and not an ESP?
The net is full of tutorials for creating a simple web server and getting form info back.
there are also tutorials for handling EEPROM
you should play with those separately and once you get a good grasp on how it works, put everything together
October 4, 2022, 7:37pm
thank you for the answer. Exactly. I have a UNO with Ethernet shield.
I found several tutorials using the ESP but nothing using the Ethernet Shield. Any Link?
Thank you
October 4, 2022, 9:21pm
If you read French
Bonjour à tous,
(EDIT: en post #25 la meme chose pour une carte esp8266 genre Wemos D1 R2)
comme j'ai vu pas mal de questions concernant l'usage d'un shield Ethernet pour permettre de piloter son Arduino par une page web, ou simplement d'afficher de l'information en provenance de son Arduino sur un navigateur, je me suis dit qu'en cette fin de journée pluvieuse ce serait un petit exercice sympa à partager.
Le montage physique est super simple:
Vous connectez le shield ethernet sur votre UNO
Or probably could use Google translate
October 5, 2022, 6:31am
Ok... Thank you.
I found the solution:
Is there a simple way to implement querystring parameter parsing in the WebServer example?
For example I would like to call ?key=value and read the value in the lines:
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
thank you
April 3, 2023, 6:31am
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