WebServer using location.href to control a relay

Hi, can some html expert help me understand why the following code line does work using the latest firefox version. It works fine in IE, but with the new version of firefox v44 it doesn't work anymore. Can someone explain how I can fix this problem so it's cross browser compatible? It appears to be with the handling of location.href I think.

With the following line of code executed from in Firefox:
c.println( F("<input type=button value='Lock Close' onmousedown=location.href='./?1-off'>

I get this response back below which is missing the GET /?1-off:
GET / HTTP/1.1

With the following line of code executed in Microsoft Edge:
c.println( F("<input type=button value='Lock Close' onmousedown=location.href='./?1-off'>

I get this response below which works because the GET /?1-off is there:
GET /?1-off HTTP/1.1

Does anyone have a clue to my problem?


I've found the problem, but I don't understand why this is happening with the new FireFox release. For some reason if you clear the cache everything works once then the next time the onmousedown event is executed the URL request is sent, but the ending data (ie. /?1-off) is stripped off. Is there a way to turn off the cache within the html code or better way to send onmousedown or onclick events using ajax or something?

For those who care the new Firefox V44 browser doesn't like a redirect response of HTTP/1.1 301 after receiving data. Changing the response redirect to HTTP/1.1 302 resolved the problem =)

Is that . supposed to be there?
