I am trying to use micros() in a loop for precise frequency measurement and I am getting some really weird results, I don't know what's going on.
What is the default arduino due clock? I assume it's 84MHZ but I want to make sure.
What is the minimal interval for micros()?
I have a couple of readdigitalpin calls within the loop, it's possible that is causing some delay, if that's the case - how can I speed up the read? I assume the peripheral clock is set to maximum?
I ended up using the milis() function but I really need to use micros() and to decrease loop time as I need to track 500hz signals.
const int left_sensor_1 = 31;
const int left_sensor_2 = 32;
const int right_sensor_1 = 33;
const int right_sensor_2 = 34;
const int left_output_1 = 2;
const int left_output_2 = 3;
const int right_output_1 = 4;
const int right_output_2 = 5;
unsigned const long sensor_polling_interval = 1;
unsigned const long error_update_interval = 100;
unsigned long current_time = 0;
unsigned long last_sensor_update_time = 0;
unsigned long last_error_update_time = 0;
int left_count = 0;
int right_count = 0;
int prior_left_sensor_1_bit = 0;
int prior_left_sensor_2_bit = 0;
int prior_right_sensor_1_bit = 0;
int prior_right_sensor_2_bit = 0;
int left_sensor_1_bit = 0;
int left_sensor_2_bit = 0;
int right_sensor_1_bit = 0;
int right_sensor_2_bit = 0;
float left_velocity = 0;
float right_velocity = 0;
float left_integral = 0;
float right_integral = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(left_sensor_1, INPUT);
pinMode(left_sensor_2, INPUT);
pinMode(right_sensor_1, INPUT);
pinMode(right_sensor_2, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
float left_error = 0;
float right_error = 0;
float left_target_velocity = 10;
float right_target_velocity = 10;
float k_p = 1;
float k_i = 1;
int left_output = 0;
int right_output = 0;
current_time = millis();
//read sensors and update velocity
if (current_time - last_sensor_update_time >= sensor_polling_interval)
left_sensor_1_bit = digitalRead(left_sensor_1);
//left_sensor_2_bit = digitalRead(left_sensor_2);
right_sensor_1_bit = digitalRead(right_sensor_1);
//right_sensor_2_bit = digitalRead(right_sensor_2);
if (left_sensor_1_bit == 1 and prior_left_sensor_1_bit == 0)
left_velocity = 1/((left_count+1) * sensor_polling_interval/1000.0);
left_count = 0;
left_count += 1;
if (left_count == 100)
left_velocity = 0;
left_count = 0;
prior_left_sensor_1_bit = left_sensor_1_bit;
if (right_sensor_1_bit == 1 and prior_right_sensor_1_bit == 0)
right_velocity = 1/((right_count+1) * sensor_polling_interval/1000.0);
right_count = 0;
right_count += 1;
if (right_count == 100)
right_velocity = 0;
right_count = 0;
prior_right_sensor_1_bit = right_sensor_1_bit;
last_sensor_update_time = current_time;
if (current_time - last_error_update_time >= error_update_interval)
left_error = left_target_velocity - left_velocity;
left_integral = left_integral + left_error*error_update_interval;
left_integral = constrain(left_integral, -100,100);
left_output = (int)(k_p*left_error + k_i*left_integral);
Serial.println("left target velocity: " + String(left_target_velocity) + " left velocity: " + String(left_velocity, 10) + " left error: " + String(left_error, 10) + " left integral: " + String(left_integral, 10) + " left output: " + String(left_output, 10));
if (left_output >= 0)
left_output = min(left_output, 255);
analogWrite(left_output_2, 0);
left_output = -1*max(left_output, -1*255);
analogWrite(left_output_1, 0);
analogWrite(left_output_2, left_output);
right_error = right_target_velocity - right_velocity;
right_integral = right_integral + right_error*error_update_interval;
right_integral = constrain(right_integral, -100, 100);
right_output = (int)(k_p*right_error + k_i*right_integral);
//Serial.println("right target velocity: " + String(right_target_velocity) + " right velocity: " + String(right_velocity, 10) + " right error: " + String(right_error, 10) + " right integral: " + String(right_integral, 10) + " right output: " + String(right_output, 10));
if (right_output >= 0)
right_output = min(right_output, 255);
analogWrite(left_output_2, 0);
right_output = -1*max(right_output, -1*255);
analogWrite(right_output_1, 0);
analogWrite(right_output_2, right_output);
last_error_update_time = current_time;