Weird pinout on a TFT board (A0/DC, SCK...)

The seller claims that is GC9A01 driver board but i doubt it. I tried every example i can find including the GC9A01, ST7789, ST7735 libraries but nothing happens except the backlight is turning on and of.
Another thing that i found it weird is that all other board that they sell have the pinout:


  • CS,
  • DC,
  • SDA,
  • SCL,
  • GND,
  • VCC
  • (+/- BLK)

But mine (the red one) has:

- LED(same as BLK)

  • SCK
  • SDA -
  • A0/DC (this one especially weird, i think is used to select between command and data modes**),**
  • CS,
  • GND,
  • VCC

The other (TF-*) i believe are for the SD card reader.

Any help is welcomed, im using Arduino nano if that helps it to narrow it down.

Hey yeah I bought that same dispaly, the pinout names are different but it does work, it uses the same pinout as an SPI display, I found the data sheet with the pinout functions on a walmart site of all places


I've yet to try the TF/Micro Sd card reader, but from what I can tell It should work
(I used some random library I found on a YT tutorial)

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Yeaaaah, i lost hope with this one, thanks for the reply.

If you have any testing sketches you can sand i will be very thankful.

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