Wemos D1 ESP8266 not going to deep sleep

the Wemos is connected to a switch that brings pin D1 low sends a text through IFTTT, then goes to deep sleep, but still draws about 30 mA. When pin D1 is not low, it draws 0.15 mA in deep sleep. What is it about pin D1 going low that draws that much current in deep sleep?

If pulling the pin low causes the attached device to draw a large current then why not put the pin high before entering sleep mode?
Switching a module on the low side is not a good idea because of the risk of phantom powering. If all that 30mA is going through an esp8266 pin, that is too much.
Show a diagram of your circuit.

Thanks for your response. The D1 pin goes low when a switch is activated (mousetrap switch) which closes the circuit between D1 and GND. At that point, the Esp gets its 5v and starts the code. When the switch is open there is no power, thus no current drawn.

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