Wemos D1 Mini Exception(28) when loading a webpage

I have a sketch that creates an AP and serves a web page, some configuration is input and this saves to EEPROM. I got it to work once, and since then get this error every time the web page is refreshed.

Exception (28):

epc1=0x40208d80 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000

I found some post about it suggesting its gone past the end of the memory? But when uploading all memory allocation is 91% or less.
Ive tried running the EEPROM clear sketch but nothing seems to have made a difference. Interestingly, the only time I got it to work was after running the EEPROM clear sketch.

I dont really understand this error or if its a hardware issue. I could try it on another device?


Post the complete code, otherwise it is impossible to give you correct suggestions.

I will be able to post it later.

I found this about the error.

LoadProhibitedCause A load referenced a page mapped with an attribute that does not permit loads

If you install the esp exception decoder (search on the term) and give it the exception data it will (with luck) give you the source lines of the call stack. This will give a better clue of where things went wrong.

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