I'm using a WEMOS D1 Mini Pro with ADS1115, OLED 1.3", RTC and MicroSD module.
The circuit is soldered to a drilled board and works fine, except that the Reset-Button doesn't work as expected.
Pressing the RST-Button seems to crash the mcu but at least stops the output to the serial monitor after displaying a few "random characters".
No exception output.
Only disconnecting and reconnecting the usb cable recovers the serial output.
The reset pin isn't connected at all.
For testing I removed all modules (OLED, RTC, ADC, MicroSD) - same result ...
Also tested a ftdi232 for serial connection and powered the board from usb adapter - same result, except, that only disconnecting power restores serial output.
Therefor I assume that pressing the reset button does crash the mcu ???
From the ESP8266 hardware design guidlines: We recommend that you use CHIP_EN, instead of EXT_RSTB, to reset the chip.
That is how Espressif does in on their devkit.
It's not clear what happens when you pull EXT_RSTB low while the IC is powered and CHIP_EN is high
The ads1115 is running in "continuous mode", taking 8 measurements per sec., each one resulting in an interrupt, that pulls the Wemos port D3 (GPIO0) down which is connected to the ads1115 alert-pin.
Wemos gpio0 pulled low prevents the esp8266 from booting up.