Wemos D1 Mini Webserver

Ok, I bought this: Wemos D1 Mini v.2 and I am following this tutorial: Wemos D1 Mini Setup | Average Maker

I am trying to send data to the webpage stored in wemos but I cannot figure out how I make it to automatically refreshed every time I want to send data from wemos. Any idea?

Ok, I bought this: Wemos D1 Mini v.2 and I am following this tutorial: https://averagemaker.com/2018/03/wemos-d1-mini-setup.html

I am trying to send data to the webpage stored in wemos but I cannot figure out how I make it to automatically refreshed every time I want to send data from wemos. Any idea?

websockets are used for this.

Thread split as requested.

Also, "server-sent events" can be used if only one-way communication (web server->client) is ok.

This works: GitHub - me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer: Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32

So, If I understood correctly, from the tutorials, I just send the the data (e.g. temperature) I want to post, from the Arduino to the Wemos, through SPI, I2C, UART etc, and the Wemos does the posting to the webpage, and that's it...

You have a WeMOS D1 Mini which is way more capable than an Arduino. Why do you want to connect an Arduino to it?

Just wondering. :grinning: