Wemos d1 SD card shield

was just curious if the wemos d1 sd card shield could be used standalone and If there are any schematics on how to connect it? Or do I have to connect it like a regular sd card with pull up resistors and such?

The mentioned shield with the pinout can be found here : WeMos D1 Mini SD Card Shield (HCWEMO0004) - forum.hobbycomponents.com

Welcome to the forum

The SD card module does not have to be plugged into a D1 Mini. It could be connected to an Arduino using jumper wires if that is what you are asking

As long as you connect it to the correct pins of teh Arduino then no other components should be necessary

If that is not what you are asking then please explain in more detail

the answers to your questions are described on the page you provided by the link

Yes that is what I have been asking, thank you. Do you perhaps have any knowledge on how to connect it? I have seen some other SD card shields that have some resistors and an IC on them. This one just has a single capacitor. I have tried connecting all the Miso, Mosi, etc. signals on the page that I have linked in the previous post to an Arduino Mega and I have tried using an example SD program to try writing some data but the SD card doesn't seem to want to initialize.

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