WeMos D1 -- UNO like wifi board based ESP-8266

The board works with the Arduino IDE, but you need to install drivers CH341SER for your PC to detect the board

In your preferences set your Additional URL Board Manager to

You need the ESP8266 boards installed. In your boards Manager select WeMos D1 R1

In Device Manager on your PC check that the baud rate is set at 115200 for this device.
Use the same baud rate inside the Arduino IDE when checking your serial Monitor.

Lastly note compilation and upload of sketches take very long not as fast as an Arduino board.

I have just purchased one of the Wemos D1R1 boards.

Following instructions I have downloaded all the files I need, put it into operation and even succeeded in using it to send to a web server using the info on this page

So I assume the D1 is working ok.

Looking at the thread
it says the unit has 11 digital in/out pins.

Does this mean it can be used in a similar way to the uno? i.e. a blink program on say pin 6 will blink a led connected between pin 6 and gnd?
I am aware the output is 3.5 volts, if I put an LED/resistor across my power supply at 3.5 volts it is dim but lights, if I put the blink sketch in with the pin changed to pin 6 I get nothing out?
Am I hoping for too much from this unit?

The confusing thing about these boards is you need to use the Dn pin names, just as written on the board, rather than the number only, as we do with the digital pins on normal Arduino boards.

For example, instead of digitalWrite(6, HIGH), you need to do digitalWrite(D6, HIGH).

Thank you for the very prompt reply pert.
I have a confession to make, I sent the message then read back through your previous messages and found exactly that in one. I was just trying it when you replied.
It does work with D1. thank you again.
Do you know of any further tutorials for this board?

I'm glad to hear it's working now. The pin names thing had me confused as can be when I first got one of these boards. I made the faulty assumption that there was a mismatch between the board definition and the hardware and spent probably 30 minutes determining the mappings between the pin numbers and the names on the silkscreen before I realized what was going on.
