Wet bulb globe temperature sensor

Anyone have a pointer to a WBGT that can interface with an Arduino?


A link:

KΔ±zΔ±l ve Aksu.pdf (1.5 MB)

Take this formula (hint, use look up tables):

and a BMP180, BME280 or any sensor with temperature and humidity reading.

I've implemented it in an industrial process with great success before.

That isn't what I asked about.


Thanks though.

Hi, @clutch57

Might help.

Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

The Arduino can interface with just about any equipment with a digital or analog output.

Pick a WBGT with an electronic output, post a link to it and forum members can help you interface it.

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Roll your own with three temp sensors and a DIY black globe:


Make your own wet bulb - search waterproof temp sensors.

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Thank you for that link.

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