Wh1602b lcd driver

Im a student.I need the driver of wh1602b 2x16 display. Can anyone help me with the driver?

So do you have a link to this device or do we have to search for it?

[ch305] must have this lcd's driver code.I need call this code in ccs c . Like lcd.c......THx anyway

I must have this lcd's driver code.I need call this code in ccs c . Like lcd.c

If you must have it, you must write it or at least you must do the research for your homework on your own. Research is a little more than posting on random forums "Gimme gimme gimme", it includes reading and looking for things on the subject already published on the matter.

The code for the LiquidCrystal library is open source anyway, so go ahead and look at it. I posted you a link where to find it in the other thread.


[ch305]ts not a homework [ch305] wrote a code for lcd lm016 but [ch305] could't find it so bought this lcd screen but [ch305] cant see anything on the screen [ch305] donno how to write the driver.CAn you help me about it?

What you have is a HD44780 type character LCD, made by dozens of companies in half a dozen different sizes and a dozen different colours, its well supported on Arduino using the Liquid Crystal library built into the IDE (which is as close as you get to 'driver' in arduino land). There are dozens of tutorials all over the internet in how to get these things going. If they don't work its almost always a wiring issue.