What Arduino board is required to do 32 or 256 characters? (tell me the maximum char board)

Tell me the board. I have hackintosh skills, bypassing requirements of Windows 11 skills, INSTALLING LINUX! and low arduino skills (wait i remember now what arduino board can handle 256 chars and the glcd)

That is not very many characters. What do you want to do with these characters ?

Interestingly, what does it mean?

32 or 256 characters for what? I have never seen those words used in a datasheet.

Doing what with the 32 or 256 characters?

  • printing to the serial monitor? (really any even the most tiniest microcontroller)

  • making a HUGE 100.000 neopixel-LED-screen showing 32 characters in rainbow-colors as running letters ?

No microcontroller at all. Not the most fanciest, biggest, fastest ones.

You should write in normal words the final purpose of what these 256 characters do as final purpose.

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In reply to Stefan:
i do neopixels i just do an 128x64 lcd and still didnt buy.
also i mean custom characters has a new forum. go check it
In reply to b707:
It does mean i have a GLCD or a LCD over custom chars. Go check my new forum.
In reply to sonofcy and UKHeliBob:
I just want to the font and Custom characters in turkey, ALL LANGUAGES!
check my new forum

moderator edit: language

user don't likes my advice. user muted


128x64 forum not 16x2 or 20x4

Tell me the board.

Any Arduino board will work.


What has 128x64 LCD to do with custom characters? The 128x64 lcd is a graphical display, you don't need to create any custom chars on it, you can use any national font on it.

also dont care about the square.
its 0 am now the rtc is broken
message is by nvidia
that white Yok FPS etc.

If you're talking about displaying bitmapped characters on an LCD (or OLED) screen (or an array of LEDs of some kind), then the limiting factor is probably RAM memory to hold a copy of the bitmap, rather than anything to do with the number of characters you are displaying.
Most graphics libraries will keep a bitmap in the micro's RAM, and then transfer it to the display "in bulk." That means, if you have a 128x64 display, you need at least (for a black&white display) 1k of RAM. Perhaps up to 24k or "color."
This is "in addition" to whatever your sketch needs for other purposes.
An ATmega328p (Uno, Nano, each having 2k of RAM) is getting a bit risky for a 128x64 display. Nano Every is a bit better (6k RAM.) The SAMD21 boards (Zero, etc) have 32k of RAM, which should be safe except for that "color" possibility.
The ESP32 and RP2040 boards have LOTS of RAM, and would be good choices.

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OP, you’re getting a lot of restrained ‘polite responses, but you won’t get much more unless yo write in your native language and describe exactly what you’re trying to achieve.

I recently tried to generate 11 Custom characters, But it breaks after i clean it.
How do i erase the CGRAM on my 16x2 I2C LCD?
Fully erase, not for the ASCII characters, Look. I'm living in turkey. chatgpt didint help (4o)

fully erase CGRAM

The CGRAM is built into the display driver and supports only 8 custom characters. You can overwrite any character definition with a new bit pattern, but only 8 custom characters can be displayed at any one time.

Is this a continuation of this topic?

Why didn't you answer the questions there and instead opened a new thread?

i dont have notifies on :skull:
in reply to jre:
oh. I understand but it breaks the chars.

Opening a new thread instead of continue discussion in the previous one is violation of the forum rules.