Hello. Im new here!
I want to get started with Arduino for my Universityproject. I have some ideas what im gonna do, but not what card im gonna choose.
Im study to a engineer in mechanics. This is my first year
My project is gonna be like a robotarm. I know that allready invented, but that's not the point. I want only to uppgrade the industry in my contry(Sweden). So im asking you what card i need to use?
I need to use:
- Electric steppermotors
- LED lamp
- Transformer e.g 230V to 12V
- Ability to change the frequency to the electric steppermotors
- Sensors
- etc
Is it possible to use a e.g 24v steppermotor + transformer if im using the Arduino card who runs only by the USB power(5v). Change the 230 wall-voltage to 24v by a transformer. Change the frequency so the stepper motor runs slow?
Arduino UNO card?