What Arduino card do you recommend for me?

Hello. Im new here!

I want to get started with Arduino for my Universityproject. I have some ideas what im gonna do, but not what card im gonna choose.
Im study to a engineer in mechanics. This is my first year :slight_smile:

My project is gonna be like a robotarm. I know that allready invented, but that's not the point. I want only to uppgrade the industry in my contry(Sweden). So im asking you what card i need to use?

I need to use:

  • Electric steppermotors
  • LED lamp
  • Transformer e.g 230V to 12V
  • Ability to change the frequency to the electric steppermotors
  • Sensors
  • etc

Is it possible to use a e.g 24v steppermotor + transformer if im using the Arduino card who runs only by the USB power(5v). Change the 230 wall-voltage to 24v by a transformer. Change the frequency so the stepper motor runs slow?

Arduino UNO card?

Lots of IO for your Sensors, etc.
Lots of serial ports for comm's
Lots of room for your program
Can run from 12V
Lots of pins with PWM capability if needed to drive control pins on stepper motors.

Lots of IO for your Sensors, etc.
Lots of serial ports for comm's
Lots of room for your program
Can run from 12V
Lots of pins with PWM capability if needed to drive control pins on stepper motors.

Thank you for your answer.
I will begun with the Mega2560.

I only need this to get started with :

  • 3-4 stepper motors
  • 1 sensor
  • 1 transformator