I am wanting to start and make a useful pip boy 3000, im not really knoladgeable in cirtury but i can pick it up fast once i start going, there are a lot of features i want to incorperate
blue tooth
small data storage
what chip would be good to buy to start the project? I would like to get the right one the first time around
Most would recommend an Uno for your first one since most all the tutorials are written for it.
Also it works well as a prototyping board, but may not be the best choice for the final project
A nano, mini etc. may be better suited for your final project, but not as handy to prototype with.
besides if you use your prototype in your project you won"t have one to proto your next project with.
Then again depending on how many and what kind of "features" you want you may need a mega or other board.
I suggest that you get an Uno and one of the many starter kits available and start learning.
There are lots of tutorials for all the things you mentioned and more. you will need to learn how to use each individually then how to use them together to do what you want.
fall out 4 has a special edition that comes with a item called a pip boy 3000 its similar to an ingame device you use the whole game, i just want to take the "toy" a step further and actually function as a gps and some of the other uses it has in game.