I have never even touched an Adruino or anything similar.
I do have a developer background.
Would love to get started with Arduino.
My idea is really really a simple one. Maybe Arduino might be an overkill.
I need a simple board with an IR sensor (i think) that can detect any movement (3 x adjustable range aka x or y or z meters).
Also would be nice if this could be solar panel driven.
I know this sounds silly but this is actually a prototype for something larger at later stage.
Then lastly - there is not much intelligence required from this device.
But what is really important is that is should be really really small. Maybe the size of a wrist watch?
Do I need to get a complete Arduino UNO? Or what will I need for this?
Please advise.
I do value each and everyone's efforts in this awesome project.
You will need to define things. What size of object, minimum? What amount of motion, minimum? What kind of ranges? A few cm? Meters? Km? What kind of objects is this detecting? There is a huge difference between triggering a camera to take a picture of some deer, and detecting a few bolts passing by on a conveyor belt. Or detecting a car, vs detecting a person. Squirrels? House flies?
Okay let me explain more briefly.
The 3 x range = distance setting. Not really a major requirement but rather nice to have.
Would be nice if I can set the sensor to detect new objects in ranges of: 15cm / 30cm / 60 cm...
Just as an example though. But once again if I can only get a sensor that will detect new objects within 30cm I will be overly happy.
Then for the rest of the spec.
What I am trying to build is a "water gun" (closest explanation) that will fire water when an object is in range.
With my limited (aka "no") knowledge I was thinking:
PIR / Ultrasonic etc sensor?
Some kind of motor / servo?
Timer / Interval?
Water tank?
Pump / Suction device/component. Maybe a medical injection.
All battery operated.
The main criteria would rather be: actual size and also $$$.
Please let me know if anything is unclear AND apologizes for my lack of knowledge... Hahaha.
Had to google around to establish what scarecrow means.
Very cool idea though.
I am sure you would have limited success to scare bunnies and deer away at 15cm / 30 cm.
But worth a try though... LoL.
Wait - you give me an idea now. Maybe we must increase the range to about 5+ m. (Joking)
But from what I understand scarecrow entails my project is really close in similarity.
Same idea but different application though. And much much smaller.
What I forgot to mention.
Rechargeable battery operation perhaps by mini solar panel?
Is this a costly addition?
And again - mentioned earlier. This would be ideal if it could be as small as possible. Smaller = better.
I recommend a sonic ranger for longer range. It's range extends to a couple meters. Then at short range (10cm-30cm) it's dead. Then you can have an IR sensor for shorter distance. If you could, have a valve you can open to shoot water and pump to kick in to maintain pressure of water. I've never done this though.
Are you trying to track and aim the water at the moving object? If so, a camera might be the thing. Well, a Kinect specifically. Not sure if a basic Arduino is up to that, but there is the Due and the Teensy 3.0, both of which use much faster processors.
Nope no requirement to AIM at object.
Just detect object in range and then spray.
The spray nozzle will be modified to spray 180 degree once object in field detected.
Well, with this https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8503 and Arduino, you can set specific distance ranges in software/code. Will measure distance from 0-255 inches in one inch increments.
This may be best bet for a self-contained unit with accurate distance to target recognition.