What do you do when you are not doing Arduinos?

One of my passions is music. Last weekend I found myself in the building where they make Nuclear submarines listening to that legendary band Faust. It was at the FON (Full Of Noises) Festival of experimental electronic music and sound art.

There was also an appearance by the Tone Float, it's like my MIDI Glockenspiel on acid. Solenoids bashing milk bottles.

Anyway I put together a short video of the event on the Saturday night (it was over several days), which you can watch, and even download, here:-

What do you do in you spare time?

What do you do in you spare time?

I dress in tight neoprene*...and go SCUBA diving. ;D

*Or, more frequently, given 14 degree (and lower) UK water, baggy tri-laminate.

I play in a band called IMMETIC
IMMETIC @ Facebook

What do I do when I am not doing something not related to my band?

I study game programming, and will start on my masters degree next automn.
Master of Technology - Enterprise Systems Architecture

Additionaly I play paintball/speedball and I brew my own wine.

When I'm not doing any of the things listed, I'm usually doing my fiance.
( Sorry about that slightly dirty comment, I simply could not resist )

I play in a band called IMMETIC
IMMETIC @ Facebook

Awesome! I'm a big fan of heavy music! Rather than the link you posted I prefer your song here:

But keep up the good work. Musically it's pretty good.

As for me... Well, I did a pretty popular rock band guitar controller mod:

It's not anything overly complicated but it got a bunch of interest... I've worked on several other designs too, I just don't have youtube videos of me trying them out.

It's not in my free time but I did work to convert a 1959 Mercedes Benz 190SL into a fully electric car with custom body work. That was pretty fun.

Awesome! I'm a big fan of heavy music! Rather than the link you posted I prefer your song here:

But keep up the good work. Musically it's pretty good.

Thank you :slight_smile:
We're actually in the studio now, recording our debut album.

As for me... Well, I did a pretty popular rock band guitar controller mod

That was a neat mod!

How about a 'cheat mode' where both entering and leaving the beam counts as a strum?

It's not in my free time but I did work to convert a 1959 Mercedes Benz 190SL into a fully electric car with custom body work. That was pretty fun.

One word: AWESOME!

Hi Mike, I guess there are a lot of us that like our music, I've got varied tastes, mainly Drum and Bass, Dancehall/Ragga and Rock :slight_smile: When the weather is clear enough though I like to do astonomy (visual and astrophotography), here are some links to some of my images (taken a few months ago before I moved):

Funnily enough I like to listen to my mp3 player while I'm astronoming, I get some really Zen moments at one with the universe and all that :slight_smile:

What do you do in you spare time?

Either i try to go ahead with my Paleobotanics studies or sometimes, depending on the temperature, scuba diving.

What do you do in you spare time?

What is this thing called spare time? :wink:

Mostly music and woodworking.

(* jcl *)

What do you do in you spare time?

I don't have any spare time, I'm retired.


I do astrophotography :slight_smile:

which type Mike? Planetary, widefield, DSO? I like widefield myself quite a bit atm, oodles of stars and nebula get me going :slight_smile: When I get properly setup again I'll be doing a bit of all 3.

What, you mean there is more to life then just Arduino? :wink:


only if you stop coding long enough lefty, I've heard going outside can be of benefit too :slight_smile:

Does coding with the windows open count as "outdoors" ?? :wink:

Does coding with the windows open count as "outdoors" ?? :wink:

Here I am, writing a paper on MMORPG quest design (which I really do not want to do as it bores me to death) and then, I decide to surf the arduino forum, and I find this!

THANK YOU! That made my day!

Other than my passion for working with electronics i also like working on cars (love dealing with turbocharged setups) and tuning them as well. Chipping ecu's is probably what initially sparked my interest for moving on to learning more advanced circuitry and beginner coding. :smiley:

Spend time with our new puppy. :slight_smile:

What do you do when you are not doing Arduinos?

My girlfriend...

What, you mean there is more to life then just Arduino?


I go out mountain unicycling :stuck_out_tongue:


I mow my lawn.