My system is based on a mega and an ethernet shield. When there's a lasting enet issue the wd restarts the system and, most of the times, the ethernet problem will persist in the restarted system. BUT when the system is restarted by manual reset, the enet issue disappears untill sometimes later (hours or days) it reapear. BTW i believe the issue is related to a bad contact. An equivalent system, on the bench runs perfectly with cycling temperature. In other words, manual reset allows using an agonizing system. WD does not! Why?
There may be more than the processor reset connected to that button. Like a lot of displays connect their reset to the processor reset pin. Does the WDT change the state on that pin or just issue an internal reset?
From the specs for the Ethernet Shield...
The reset button on the Shield resets both the W5500 and the Arduino Board.
The wd will not reset the Ethernet chip.
Thanks! This should explain the behavior. Is there a mean to reset the enet board by software?
You will have to look at the schematic of the shield. I have seen code for a shield that has a dedicated 'reset' pin.
@sterretje - thanks. W/o extra hw?
If the shield has a separate reset, the Arduino program could toggle that pin during setup(), so the watchdog reset effectively accomplishes both resets.
@jremington - thanks. Are you aware of such a shield?
Or a recommended patch for separating the resets and wiring the shield's one to an io?
Cutting off, or desoldering the shields reset pin would allow patching the line to a free I/O pin.
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