what equipment do i need for a temperature control system?


I'm very new to arduino and to electrical engineering as a whole so my knowledge is very minimal. Firstly, here is the scope of my project:

I am implementing a cooling system for a 11kv transformer. I will be building a system where I have temperature sensors linked to an arduino UNO. when the temperature hits above 25c the arduino will turn a 230v industrial fan on and off when the temperature drops below again. i will also need an LCD remote display. the data will be recorded onto an SD card as well.

so far my equipment list consists of:
2x temperature humidity sensors
an arduino uno
a data logging shield
industrial fan
LCD display.

if someone could write up an equipment list covering everything i would need for the entire system or even possibly need it would be a great help. for example would i need a step down transformer? as previously mentioned I am very new to this so please take into consideration that what may seem obvious to you is not the case for me.


Power supply & a relay for that fan are obvious omissions.

Don't use an Uno, use a Nano or Pro Mini so you can solder things properly. Then at least you have a fighting chance of not having your transformer overheat due to something silly as a loose wire.

yews I'd considered changing because of said reason, I did forget to mention power supply on my list haha. and is there a specific type of relay? It may be a stupid question I apologise but ive only been in training 2 months.

What are the consequences if your cooling system fails ?

nothing drastic except some energy loss as the transformer already runs without one at roughly 40-50c which is within the safe zone and has been for a long time. its just to improve efficiency, save costs ect.

Relay: one that's suitable for switching the current your fan takes.

Easiest is to get a relay module with driver built in.