What happened to LOGIN? Takes two attempts

What happened to LOGIN?
Win10/Chrome and IOS/Chrome takes two attempts before the topic list is refreshed with updated status...

Seems to have started about 7-10 days ago

I had that for a couple of days a little over a week ago.
Turned out to be a a new API I think.

Allowed it in SCRIPTSAFE extension and not seen it since.

Maybe its a browser extension or security feature you have enabled ?


The only addin I have on both - is pop-up ad blocker...
I’ll see what happens.

Win10/Chrome and IOS/Chrome takes two attempts...

The first login works. The document returned does not match your status as logged-in. Just navigate and the next document will be correct.

The problem appears to be a side-effect of introducing Cloudflare.

You might want to allow "consent.trustarc.com" as that is what caused my issue with the double login.
No idea why but worked here.


Since starting this thread, I disabled ad-blocker against this site - and appears that may have solved the recent problem...
Perhaps there’s something in the login sequence / auth code that triggers the ad blocker?

Go into the settings for your ad blocker and see what it was balking at.
Chances are it will be less than 2 items and one of them you will want to allow.
