What hardware should I use for my project?

Hello everybody,

I want to build a wether station using Arduino that transfers the data like temperature, air pressure and humidity via WiFi to a server.

What Arduino hardware can you recommend to buy?

Since the weather station is running using solar power, it should be a Arduion board which needs very little power, so their should be no unnecessary displays etc..

Can you recommend a board which is capable of using WiFi connections and were one can add sensors for the temperature, air pressure and hummidity?

Thank you,
Thomas, DL3TL

Hands down, the ESP32. Choose some board you like. Try to get one with decent documentation.


You can use ESP32

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Any ESP32 development board would work, a controller only board would result in the smallest power consumption.

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Good point. You can get the ESP32 module versions too, and incorporate one on a custom PCB.

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Take a look at the Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor it has everything you need + more

I'm currently using one of these to monitor Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Battery voltage & % of battery charge. My app uploads this data once every 600 seconds during the cycle the ESP32 is put into Hibernation, so reducing power consumption down to around ~60uA

See HERE for further details.


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Here is a bare bones ESP32 PCB made a while back:

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Thank you all for your input. Have a nice day.

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