Iam looking for a contact less temperature sensor to read object 3 feet away.Can anyone suggest.
The MLX90614 has a 90 degree field-of-view, so its not very selective. Thermal lenses have to be made of special materials that are transparent to heat radiation, such as germanium or polythene.
Along with MLX series, maybe you can try AMG8833. According to the datasheet, it can detect about 5m(16 feet) with an 8x8 array output.
There is an endless array (well OK it's not endless) of IR sensors out there between inexpensive and you can't believe it cost that much. You don't mention an accuracy or uncertainty you can live with or price point? Something else to consider is the emissivity of the object(s) you plan to measure. I am also seeing them now with both analog and serial outputs. So pretty much a matter of features and your price point. I had one at work, usual hand held which had an analog out.