i use Vigor VSD-11AYMB HV Extra Large 360 Degree it work good with pot but when use arduino only it move randomly any one can help me ?
but when use arduino only it move randomly any one can help me ?
Post a link to the not-really-a-servo.
Post your requirements.
Post your code!
Use proper punctuation.
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Can you please post a copy of your sketch, using code tags?
They are made with the </> icon in the reply Menu.
See section 7 http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html
the continuous servo
i use the weep code of servo
/* Sweep
by BARRAGAN http://barraganstudio.com
This example code is in the public domain.
modified 8 Nov 2013
by Scott Fitzgerald
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
int pos = 0;
void setup()
void loop()
for(pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1)
for(pos = 180; pos>=0; pos-=1)
then use another code
void loop()
i use it to move the legs of robot " walker robot " forward and back at 40 or 30 degree
The sweep example assumes that you have a servo. You do not. You have a variable speed electric motor. A servo has position feedback. That limits the amount it can move. In your device, the limit has been removed, along with the position feedback.
It is silly to think that you can use your variable speed electric motor to go to a specific position.
so how to slove it ?!
Get a servo?
i wanna just to assure it a servo and work good and give me the specific angle ... maybe pauls dont know much about continuous servo .. the problem only i cant stop it in a specific time .. meanly it give me 40 degree and the back to -40 i just wanna it wait awhile
the code :
void loop()
Can you tell me what you think the difference between a CONTINUOUS servo and a NORMAL servo is?
There is a big difference, what you are expecting is the response of a NORMAL servo.
there alot of difference but the shows more in normal servo it move only 180 degree and had fb but the continuous is give u more than 360 degree and it depend on pot
A NORMAL servo, as you say usually has 0 to 180Deg rotation, the normal servo pot sketch turns the servo to a POSITION that is dependent on the pot.
A CONTINUOUS servo, turns CONTINUOUSLY clockwise or counter clockwise, its direction and speed dependent on the pot. You cannot control position, only direction and speed.
i told u that tom .. but i wanna told u surprise i solve it !!! . and give me the position as i want and the delay too ... thx all tried to help me
Sorry but language barrier makes your english hard to understand, keep it up though as practice makes perfect.
Thanks Tom.....
I think it is pretty amazing none of the responders apparently took the time to look at the link and notice the servo is a sail winch servo. :
i think that too zoomkat or all of them look and dont understand what is a continuous servo !
i think that too zoomkat or all of them look and dont understand what is a continuous servo !
To be fair, you do not know what is commonly referred to as a "continuous rotation" servo. A continuous rotation servo is a servo modified such that it cannot be commanded to a specific position. Its position feedback pot has been removed. Your servo is not a "continuous" servo, it is a sail winch servo. Some sail winch servos apparently do have the ability to act like a continuous rotation servo, but that is not mentioned in the below specs for your servo.
Vigor VSD-11AYMB HV Extra Large 360 Degree/Winch Servo 0.75sec / 50kg / 150g
Operating Voltage: 6.0v~7.2v
STD Direction: Counter Clockwise / Pulse Traveling 800 to 2200uSec
Stall Torque: ≧40 kgf.cm at 6.0V, ≧50 kgf.cm at 7.2V
Operating Speed: 0.85 sec/ 60 at no load at 6.0V, 0.75 sec/ 60 at no load at 7.2V
Weight: 150g
Running Current: 0.40A~0.50A
Motor: 3 Pole Heavy Duty
Output Angle: 2160 Degrees (6 Circles)
Bearing: 2BB
Gear: Metal Gear
Size: 60.0 x 29.1 x 54.3 mm
Lead: 250mm 22AWG, Univeral Plug
Special Feature: Water Resistance
thx zoom i think u only one understand my case .. my servo 6 turn as u said sail wench i wanna use it in walker robot when use the code in post .. got the desired motion but i cant stop it in the desired time .. i think the solution is make timer switch to stop it in desired time .. but if u had better solution plz tell me
zoomkat .. i was read before it continuous servo and alot of ppl said that ,, and when use pot as them said i founded it move ok as i wanted ,, but i agree with u in " it sail wench " too ... so if u have good solution tell me
so if u have good solution tell me
No. I'm done with being called a liar and an idiot.
void loop()
Is that your code? (did you see what I did with code tags there?)
What do you expect your servo to do? (Me, I think it won't budge, but that's just my opinion)