What is going wrong?!

I am trying to setup three buttons to control the state of an RGB LED strip. So far I have figured out how to control the LEDs, but the buttons are giving me an issue. I have the buttons connected to digital pins 10-12 like the Arduino tutorial (http://arduino.cc/en/tutorial/button) shows. I want to be able to press the red button, for example, and have the red LEDs on, pressing blue button would shutoff red and switch on blue. I am lost and have no idea what to do now :P. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

//Define colors: 
#define REDPIN 5
#define GRNPIN 3
#define BLUPIN 6

//Define buttons:
const int REDBTN = 12;
const int BLKBTN = 11;
const int BLUBTN = 10;

//Changing button #:
int buttonState = 0;
int redState = LOW;
int blackState = LOW;
int blueState = LOW;
void setup() 
  //Setup Outputs:
  pinMode(REDPIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(GRNPIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BLUPIN, OUTPUT);
  //Setup Inputs:
  pinMode(REDBTN, INPUT);
  pinMode(BLKBTN, INPUT);
  pinMode(BLUBTN, INPUT);
  analogWrite(REDPIN, 0);
  analogWrite(GRNPIN, 0);
  analogWrite(BLUPIN, 0);
void loop() 
//Read digital buttons:
  int redState = digitalRead(REDBTN);
  int blackState = digitalRead(BLKBTN);
  int blueState = digitalRead(BLUBTN);
//Read color and change state:  
  if (redState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 1;
  else if (blackState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 0;
  else if (blueState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 2;
//Change the color:  
  if(buttonState == 0)
    analogWrite(REDPIN, 0);
    analogWrite(GRNPIN, 0);
    analogWrite(BLUPIN, 0);
  else if(buttonState == 1)
    analogWrite(REDPIN, 255);
    analogWrite(GRNPIN, 0);
    analogWrite(BLUPIN, 0);
  else if(buttonState == 2)
    analogWrite(REDPIN, 0);
    analogWrite(GRNPIN, 0);
    analogWrite(BLUPIN, 255);

You need to debounce the buttons.

Could you show a short snippet of code that I'd use? I'm kind of a noob when it comes to programing :stuck_out_tongue:

//Read color and change state:  
  if (redState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 1;
  else if (blackState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 0;
  else if (blueState == HIGH)
    int buttonState = 2;

By preceeding the buttonStates with "int", you're telling your code that it isn't the same one as you previously declared, and won't be the same one used in this if statement (due to scope):

if(buttonState == 0)

and the subsequent ones. Perhaps your should read up on the differences between declaration, initialization and assignment.