Hi All I'm using MPU6050 for one of my project which contains integrated 6-axis Motion Tracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and a Digital Motion Processor™ (DMP) all in a small 4x4x0.9mm package. I'm done with getting the Fine accelerometer data which is giving me 0.00 in X and Y direction and 9.81 in the Z- direction. I was reading it's data Sheet which says in it's "Accelerometer features" section that it has the capability to measure High G Interrupt. I've searched on the internet to find first of all that what is high G interrupt and I didn't find anything regarding MPU6050 rather I found some data regarding BMA250 Accelerometer data here.
I realized that after reading this that high G interrupt means that generate an interrupt when high acceleration is being measured e.g 16 G. is that correct?? if it is correct then can anyone guide me here that how to generate an interrupt in MPU6050 (Because I'm not finding anything in the data sheet of MPU6050 regarding high G interrupt of Accelerometer). The link to the data sheet of MPU6050 is here.
The register Map and documentation of MPU6050 is here.
All I need to know is that am i correct in thinking that High G interrupt means that generate interrupt on high acceleration?? if I'm correct then how to generate a high G interrupt for accelerometer in MPU6050?? And if someone can provide a lil bit of arduino coding regarding this then it'll be of great help.
Thanks in Advance.
I think I made my question clear but if you still don't understand anything then feel free to ask me.