Good morning, afternoon and evening,
First, if this is not where the topic should go, please move it
I tell you my situation, I am with a final project which has certain "requirements", one of them is the use of an arduino compatible camera (I use the MEGA 2560 arduino), with which my system must be able to take photos and upload them to a FTP server (external), and the connection using an ESP-8266, the first question I came up when I was researching the existing cameras for Arduino, I've seen many models (0706, 7776, Pixie , Tiny, etc), but I would like to have a more technical opinion about what is more useful and effective for what I want to achieve.
My other question is, it is possible to upload the photographs to an ftp server (I know that the arduino is not the best for image processing, but it is something I require, it is only a photograph every so often). I have found many topics in different languages that talk about this, but they all say something different which confused me a lot. Thank you in advance to whoever answers.
Sorry if my English is bad.