What is the best way to achieve Wi-Fi connection?

I would like to create a program in a computer which has a TCP socket to transmit and receive from Arduino using Wi-Fi. Possibly, I will have many "Arduino" clients. Therefore, the desktop computer would have a Wi-Fi router attached to it.

What is the simplest scheme to realize this? I mean, serial connection from the viewpoint of the Arduino board would the MUST for me. I would like to abstract all the WiFi/TCP stack details to the hardware, some form of Arduino shield. Non Arduino-based Wi-Fi modules that communicate using serial seems to be fine too.

Any hint and bad/good experience?


You can get a wi-fi shield for the arduino but these are expensive.
You seem to have contradictory requirements:-

to transmit and receive from Arduino using Wi-Fi


serial connection from the viewpoint of the Arduino board would the MUST for me

This link Arduino Playground - InterfacingWithHardware
did not help me very much.

However, it talks about La Fonera router option. Does anybody have a project with such kind of device (or similar)?

Let me explain better....

I need communication between Arduino and a desktop computer. Considering the distances, Wi-Fi is an option. Also, I can easily develop using TCP sockets at the desktop side.

Now, the interface of Arduino. Using its serial port to talk to a Wi-Fi device seems to be a simple solution.



have you ever heard about the "La Fonera" WiFi routers? You can get them on eBay (I just bought 3 routers for 9,50 EUR each) ...

Just flash a Fonera with a linux-based open firmare (DD-WRT, for example) and then use the integrated serial interface (!) to talk to an Arduino.

Advantages are:

  • They are cheap! (and look quite cute, too)
  • They have a TTL level serial interface (no level conversion needed!)
  • There is still some room left in the housing, so you could even build smaller Arduino projects directly into the enclosure
  • a Fonera is basically a little linux-based computer with WiFi (wow!)

Those Foneras work like a charm and seem to be MADE for Arduinos ;-). Do yourself a favour and do a search on Google or even YouTube. There are many Tutorials out there which explain how to set them up and use them with micro controllers.

Hope that helped.
Best wishes, Phil

I also find this device: WiFly GSX 802.11b/g Serial Module.

But I am not sure if someone used it in an Arduino project and what kind of communication between Arduino and the device is expected. It seems to be "Serial", but I am not sure. I can also ask Sparkfun...


Hi PhilPerkins,

thanks for the reply.

I saw the device at eBay and download one manual of it.
It seems to have Ethernet connector only. How can I access the TTL serial interface? Is it really necessary to hack the device? I mean why I need to do it?


Hi again,

the Fonera is a Wireless LAN Router!
Obviously, you don't see the wireless lan cables because they are wireless ;-).

You need to "hack" the Fonera router, because the original firmware is very restricted and has a special purpose (more details on the Fon / Fonera homepage). An open firmware like the DD-WRT allows you to actually USE the serial interface on the device, giving you a command line (root shell) to the linux computer. You could for instance start a telnet session (via the Arduino) and thus connect to your desktop computer.

Remember that you will have to set up the Fonera router in "client bridge mode", so that the Fonera connects to an existing WiFi network (as a client). In this setup, you don't need the integrated ethernet port, of course. Think of this setup as a client computer (Arduino) with a WiFi-Stick (Fonera) attached...

I know this all sounds a bit confusing and complicated, but actually it is quite easy once you get the hang of it. Think of all the things you can do with a Wifi-enabled mini-linux computer attached to an Arduino!

Here is an example project using the Fonera with an Arduino:



How can I access the TTL serial interface?

Sorry, I forgot: You can acces the interface directly on the PCB of the Fonera, via standard male pin headers:




Hi Phil,

I am inclined to follow this Fonera path... I had already used similar hacking solutions using NSLU2 device in the last 2 years (not for Arduino...).

I hope to find Fonera/Arduino integration in the Arduino's playground. I need to check deeper. If not, I will try to share my experience in the future.
