What is the different of Arduino as ISP and AVRISP?

What is the different of Arduino as ISP and AVRISP?

If I want to use Atmel Studio
Should I buy actual AVRISP or Arduino as ISP is enough?

Disclaimer: I have not tried this.

What about performance and function?
How is it different?

What about performance and function?
How is it different?

OK. I know you are a newbie, but you can Google just as well as any of the forum members, possibly even better than I since I have mild arthritis.

I'm not trying to be overly critical, but you need to learn to do research on your own. Do the research and then post back and tell us all how they differ.


I agree with mrburnette but there is one consideration about the Arduino as ISP I'd like to point out in case you might miss it in your searching:
Issue with Arduino as ISP and Mega 2560(gets kind of off topic so you need to read to the end but skip over the USBasp stuff: Program doesn't run after Upload Using Programmer with USBasp (Mega2560) · Issue #246 · arduino/ArduinoCore-avr · GitHub

Note that this issue was fixed by updating to avrdude 6.3 but Arduino IDE has since reverted to avrdude 6.0.1 so they have returned.

When I was getting started with Arduino I quickly found need for a programmer, I didn't want to have to rig up an Arduino as ISP every time so I thought it would be a fun project to make a dedicated device using an ATmega168 on stripboard. Soon after that I encountered the issue I linked to above as well as another limitation that has since been fixed in the ArduinoISP sketch. I decided to just get the top of the line professional tool, the Atmel AVRISP mkII, the last programmer I would ever need to buy. Come to find out there was a bug with AVRDUDE and Windows that made that programmer not work for me(workarounds and fixes have since been found). Now I have settled on the ultra cheap USBasp clones with an updated firmware as my favorite, it works for every situation. I still have all the others, including USBtinyISP, sitting in a box but they only come out for testing. The USBasp lives on my workbench.

When I was getting started with Arduino I quickly found need for a programmer

From the number of posts regarding ISP and loading bootloaders, I think we can say that the "need" continues. I often recommend just building one using a clone UNO with a ZIP shield. The small investment will pay dividends over and over and over. I used an Adafruit ZIF shield for mine. The black lines on the ZIF outline the tiny85 area for programming.

ATmega Modified Adafruit Programmer by Rayburne, on Flickr