What is wrong about commanding?

I want motor X moves when received command like "C,100,10" or "W,100,10" and motor y moves when i send "Y,100,10" or "Z,100,10".
In the current version of the code motors move independent then the code. When i send "Y,100,10" motor x is moving or motor y moves independent of the "Y" or "Z".

Any help i appreciate.

#include <AccelStepper.h>

const int motorXPin1 = 2; // Connect to motor driver IN1
const int motorXPin2 = 3; // Connect to motor driver IN2
const int motorXPin3 = 4; // Connect to motor driver IN3
const int motorXPin4 = 5; // Connect to motor driver IN4

const int motorYPin1 = 6; // Connect to motor driver IN1 for motor Y
const int motorYPin2 = 7; // Connect to motor driver IN2 for motor Y
const int motorYPin3 = 8; // Connect to motor driver IN3 for motor Y
const int motorYPin4 = 9; // Connect to motor driver IN4 for motor Y

// Create stepper motor objects for X and Y
AccelStepper stepperX(AccelStepper::FULL4WIRE, motorXPin1, motorXPin3, motorXPin2, motorXPin4);
AccelStepper stepperY(AccelStepper::FULL4WIRE, motorYPin1, motorYPin3, motorYPin2, motorYPin4);

void setup() {
  // Set maximum speed and acceleration (adjust as needed)
  stepperX.setMaxSpeed(1000); // Maximum steps per second for X
  stepperX.setAcceleration(500); // Acceleration in steps per second^2 for X

  stepperY.setMaxSpeed(1000); // Maximum steps per second for Y
  stepperY.setAcceleration(500); // Acceleration in steps per second^2 for Y

  // Set initial positions (0 degrees)


void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    String command = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
    // Example: parsing commands like "X100" or "Y200"
    if (command.startsWith("X")) {
      int targetX = command.substring(1).toInt();
    } else if (command.startsWith("Y")) {
      int targetY = command.substring(1).toInt();

  Serial.print("X Position: ");
  Serial.print("Y Position: ");

void moveStepperX(int targetX) {
  int stepsToMove = targetX - stepperX.currentPosition();

  while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0) {

void moveStepperY(int targetY) {
  int stepsToMove = targetY - stepperY.currentPosition();

  while (stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {

Put in Serial.print statements to see what might be going wrong, for example:

    // Example: parsing commands like "X100" or "Y200"
    if (command.startsWith("X")) {
      int targetX = command.substring(1).toInt();
      Serial.print("X move "); Serial.println(targetX);

Did you notice this comment, which does not suggest to use commas, or extra arguments like "Y,100,10"?

commands like "X100" or "Y200"

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