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here and not at the end of the if.
Because if you enter the " if (error == 0) {" , it will read values from the sensor, and you need to wait 2 seconds.
Thanks I will keep working on it. I believe the it kicks it self out right before it calculates the temperature data because the error check is not equals to 0. Either way I will be working on it. Thanks for your help.
Thanks the reason it doesn’t print to the monitor is it has a error in the code. It compiles ok. Thanks for the tool that will help me conquer some of the bugs and the suggestion millis(). Do you have any suggestions on a good beginner Arduino code book?
It is easy to understand and has a good mixture between explaining important concepts and example-codes to get you going. So give it a try and report your opinion about this tutorial.
non-blocking timing based on function millis() is some steps further down the road than the tutorial linked above.
Here is an example-code with a helper-function for non-blocking timing
unsigned long DemoTimer = 0; // variables that are used to store values of function millis()
unsigned long DemoTimerTwo = 0; // the must be of type unsigned long to work properly all the time
unsigned long DemoTimerThree = 0;
unsigned long DoDelayTimer = 0;
unsigned long myCounter = 0;
// helper-function for non-blocking timing
boolean TimePeriodIsOver (unsigned long &expireTime, unsigned long TimePeriod) {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if ( currentMillis - expireTime >= TimePeriod )
expireTime = currentMillis; // set new expireTime
return true; // more time than TimePeriod) has elapsed since last time if-condition was true
else return false; // not expired
void setup() {
Serial.println("Program started activate Show timestamp in serial monitor");
Serial.println("maximise window of serial monitor");
Serial.println("to see the the messages in full.......................................................length");
void myDemofunction_1() {
Serial.println("once per second Huhu ! time for Action A ");
void myDemoFuncB() {
Serial.println("once every 3 seconds Hi there time for Action B once every 3 seconds");
void my_Demo_function_3() {
Serial.print("once every 5 seconds ready now");
for ( int i = 0; i< 40; i++) {
Serial.println("time for Action C once every 5 seconds");
void loop() {
myCounter++; // count up very fast to demonstrate the non-blocking character
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(DemoTimer, 1000) ) {
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(DemoTimerTwo, 3000) ) {
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(DemoTimerThree, 5000) ) {
// show the effect of BLOCKING timing caused by function delay()
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(DoDelayTimer, 20000) ) {
Serial.println("every 20 seconds execute delay(5500)... to make all other timers overdue");
Serial.print("value of myCounter right before delay =");
Serial.print("value of myCounter right AFTER delay =");
Serial.println("as delay(5500 has BLOCKED code-execution all three timers are overdue");
Serial.println("which means all three timers fire in the SAME microsecond one after the other ");
the basic principle of non-blocking timing is to check if a defined timeinterval
has passed by.
This can be done by using the function millis()
The function millis()gives back the amount of milliseconds (hence the name millis)
that have passed by since power-up of the microcontroller.
It counts up to 2^32 which means reaching the max-value is reached after 49 days.
There is a calculation-technique that even "rollover" from max to zero is handled
automatically the right way
This non-blocking timing needs a timer-variable which is used for taking
snapshots of time as a comparison-point
The variable-type for this variable MUST be of type unsigend long
to make it work reliably all the time
unsigned long myLcdUpdateTimer;
now the following construction executes the code inside the if-condition
only once every two seconds
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(myLcdUpdateTimer,2000) ) {
// time for timed action
additionally the code demonstrates how you can code your own functions
and how to call/execute them.
The names of the functions are a bit lengthy to demonstrate which names
inside the code you can choose freely and to demonstrate where really a relation
between names is and where NO relation between names is