I'm working on building a capacitive proximity sensor. I found this IC on ebay that's supposed to work with Arduino. I read the entire datasheet and it mentions nothing about the output type.
Is it analog or digital?
It also says CMOS output, are they referring to the IC or what I'm supposed to connect it to? I'd like to use it with Arduino. I've never used an IC before, I would like something who's voltage I can measure from the output pin and not digital.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
It has a digital push-pull output.
Page 10 of the datasheet says:-
The output of the QT1010 is active-high upon detection. The output will remain active-high for the duration of the
detection, or until the Max On-duration expires, whichever occurs first. If a Max On-duration timeout occurs first, the
sensor performs a full recalibration and the output
becomes inactive (low) until the next detection
Darn...I need to convert capacitance to a variable voltage somehow, any ideas perhaps?
A capacitive touch sensor needs to sense two states:
touched and not touched
That makes it an ideal candidate for using digital techniques.
So basically it will be on or off? In that case I could still use it, but will the Arduino be able to detect it?
Yes it detects the digital output just like any other digital device like a push button.
Thanks everyone, really useful knowledge
As a matter of interest does that purchase include the sensor or just the ic?
Not clear to me, but it does say "FREE" in big letters under the pic.
Have you seen this in the Playground btw?