What library do i need to print the data from image processing

Dear all,
i am new to arduino programming. Currently working on a project about image processing which contains printing the dedected object from edge dedection. As shown in the given picture, i do image processing, listing the desired pixel coordinates and succesfully plotting.
Here is my problem, i do not know how to print?
I have a CNC which has MotorX and there is a laser and motor y. My problem is a bit different then regular cnc programs i guess (i am not sure).
What i want is there is constant movement of a paper by motorY, in this time i want motor x is to move pixel coordinates to burn the paper to print shape given in the plot and this will be user controlled till sending stop command.
How can i do it?
I repeat movement:
X will go to pixel coordinates
Y will have constant and synchronous speed with X.

Any help i appreciate.

You want to build a plotter. Use of an XY Plotter is very similar to output on a display. For outputting lines have a look at the Bresenham algorithm, used for output of lines or line segments.

That means a continuous line recorder. Bresenham still can be used for the calculation of pixel coordinates, but output (X movement) will occur between discrete Y coordinates. Or you calculate the dX and dY values between adjacent points and move X accordingly while y moves on.

Thanks for the answer, i will definetely check it. In this time, if you have any example which works properly (mostly in the literature there are many unknown), please send me or give me a link.
Thanks for the time.

Example of what?

Example of arduino code working properly?

Your project is somewhat uncommon. A plotter as you describe is typically used for data arriving at regular time intervals. For curves in general the typical XY plotters are much easier to use.

For working Arduino code see the Adafruit_GFX library.

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