My Arduino Uno came with a kit. The kit contains a LCM1602C LCD display. But I keep running into problems trying to get the "Hello World:" project to work, mainly:
compilation error: LiquidCrystal.h: No such file or directory
I reinstalled the Arduino IDE software (2.2.1) and installed one of the LiquidCrystalDisplay libraries (there are several), but I was getting the same error.
So starting over again. I deleted all things Arduino from my Mac and reinstalled Arduino Ide (2.2.1). The magic question: which of the LiquidCrystalDisplay libraries do i install for this particular lcd display? Or is there a more comprehensive instruction that includes the code and exactly which library to install? It's frustrating there are so many variants of the Hello World projects, none of which seem to work on my system.
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