What network sensor do I need?

Hey there!
First of all I apologize for my English.

Right now I plan a little helicopter which controlled by remote controll. I need a communication way do transfer and receive data.
I have read that I need RF sensor. I have seen many different sensors. What Transmitter-receiver module do I need for long distance communication (some hundred of meters)?

Thank you!

Continue to the previous topic: What network sensor do I need? - Networking, Protocols, and Devices - Arduino Forum

I have found this: http://www.bashmodulo.com/arduino/nrf24l01-radio-frequency-transmitter-receiver-on-arduino/
Does the NRF24L01 Radio is transmitter and receiver? Which means that I need to buy twice the same module?

If it does, is this one good?

Thank you guys!

[or see them both in this topic - moderator]

$10.99 looks like a good price. What's the buy-it-now cost?