3 pin plug is prewired to a sensor. What plug do I use to connected the 3 pin plug to the UNO micro-controller arduino board?
About the sensor:
What 3 pin plug on what sensor? Analog or digital?
A schematic would be helpful, but one should be Vcc (Power), one Gnd and the other the readings from the powered sensor. It could be a digital serial or just analog, more info is needed.
3 pin plug is prewired to a sensor. What plug do I use to connected the 3 pin plug to the UNO micro-controller arduino board?
Without seeing a picture I will assume you have a senor that is wired to one of those 3 pin Asian 'buckle connectors"? If not then you will have to link us a picture. There are no 3 pin mating connectors on a Uno board.
If so they are designed to plug into a 'sensor shield' also made by several Asian sellers. E-bay is full of such products from the far east. Here is a picture of such a shield
It's a turbine flow sensor prewired to a 3 pin plug. 173937-C Gems Sensors | Gems Sensors FT-110 Series Turbine Flow Sensor for Liquid, 1 L/min Min, 10 L/min Max | 446-8292 | RS Components
So I'll need to look at a sensor shield & appropriate plugs then?
It's a turbine flow sensor prewired to a 3 pin plug. http://ly.rsdelivers.com/product/gems-sensors/173937-c-rs/turbine-flow-meter-g-3-8-1-10-l-min/4468292.aspxSo I'll need to look at a sensor shield & appropriate plugs then?
No, this is not one of those "learning kits". You have a hall effect rotometer which you are going to have two for power and the other one will be a signal in Hz. Check Gammon's frequency counter sketch...
... and I would go with the 2.2K pullup resistor.