My question is: in the tutorial he says you can hook it up with 24V power supply. Can you use any kind of power suply varing from computer 500W power supply to 12V battery?
Also, if the electromagnet is 12V and it says its power consumption is 5W are those amounts the same?
What kind of power supply should I choose to be able to vary tghe electromagnets power from maximum to minimum?
Thank you so much for you answers and sorry if the question is completely dumb. I have no idea and I cant find any info I could understand properly.
Use a 12volt supply for a 12volt solenoid.
The current needed can be calculated from the power of the solenoid with ohms law.
A = W/V = 5/12 = 0.42Amp or 420mA.
That seems to be a 800mA supply.
You might be able to find a bigger one (e.g. 2Amp) for the same price.
So you can connect more/bigger solenoids to it later.
Thank you so much for your help. One last stupid question: so I cant go really wrong with more Amps? The circuit stays the same anyway? All I need is a good enough power source with the same valt mesurement and I am all set?
Thank you so much for your help. One last stupid question: so I cant go really wrong with more Amps? The circuit stays the same anyway? All I need is a good enough power source with the same valt mesurement and I am all set?
Thank you again for your time
Correct. The circuit only draws as many amps as it needs. As long as your power supply can provide the current that the device needs, you're good-to-go.
So a power supply able to provide more amps is better. It won't get as hot in operation, and as mentioned by Wawa, it has extra current capability if you add more load later on.