What shields can be used with industruino?

Hi! I am working on connecting my process plant sensor data to the net to enable 24x7 monitoring from anywhere. Since the sensors are industrial grade(4-20mA), I have had to choose Industruino. However, to connect to the net, ethernet is not an option for me. Does industruino allow connection to a GSM Shield? The guys at industruino are not responding to my query. Maybe someone in this forum can help me out!

Hi pkthakur,

there is no possibility to put any shield in the Industruino. You can only solder your own components for your own I/O or use their 24V adapter (they are connected to digital I/O pins of the CPU board), depending on the model you buy.

The Industruino is not an "Arduino" in the common sense of term. It's based on the Arduino CPU and programming model (it's "Arduino at heart"). So the only "shield" you can connect is the one you make yourself using the proto board.


OK Ben! Does that mean that

  1. I connect my industrial sensors to the industruino
  2. The industruino then calculates(via the sketch), the pressure, temperature etc And then outputs to the ethernet attachment
    3.Given that I have no ethenet connection, can I now somehow connect the ethernet cable to a 'device' that has a wireless USB modem attached to it so that the data can be transmitted to the net? If yes, then what is that 'device'?

It depends how you are getting your internet connectivity. You could connect it to an access point or router such as the LINKSYS WRT54GL.