What type of batteries would I need for this project?

I am working on my first project. It'll be an humanoid-like robot powered by an Arduino Nano with four SG90 servos in each limb, a bluetooth module, an ultrassonic sensor and a 8x8 led matrix (I'm not sure about this one though).
What type of batteries should I use? Would a 6V 3A battery be enough? Should I use 4 small batteries?

Thank you in advance! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, I just don't have anyone to help me.

Each of those plastic geared servos want about 800mA to be available; call it 1 amp. For 4 servos you'd want at least 4 amps of available current per hour. Then there is the rest of the circuit.

One of thse would be a good start, AmazonSmile: Venom 7.2V 5000mAh 6-Cell NiMH Battery with Universal Plug (EC3/Deans//Tamiya) : Toys & Games.

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Remember, that's four servos "in each limb". The "humanoid-like" implies four limbs so 16 servos.

At 6W (6V*1A) each that's 96W.

How much battery capacity you need depends on how long you want the robot to run between charges.

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Curiously missing is any specification of the recommended maximum discharge rate for this lack.

The r/c picks I use (Lipo chemistry) have a C rating for discharge. A 1000 mAh battery might have a 40C/80C rating, meaning we could safely take 40 Amperes continuously and bursty spikes of 80.

The 12 AWG wire is a clue to the expectation of the manufacturer, but only.

Here’s one googled up at random:


Obvsly taking that kind of current out of any battery requires some care and attention.


Most likely rechargeable, as they will go fast. Battery lifetime can be roughly estimated by measuring the average current draw of your project in Amperes (A), and divide that figure into the battery capacity in Ah.

lifetime in hours ~ (capacity in Ah)/(current draw in A).

Battery capacity in mAh and current in mA can also be used for this calculation.

Spelling mistake, I meant that I'll have four SG90 servos and there will be one in each limb. My bad!

Either way, get several battery packs. My drone project I am working on the batteries last about 40 to 50 seconds.

How do you make a 'humanoid-like" robot with one servo in each limb? Even hexapods and octopods typically have at least two servos in each leg.

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