I'm trying to make my own image processing project with a simplest design that takes the MIPI data and convert it to RGB, to send it to HDMI with no NIOS and peripherals to have the most space possible for my logic.
I'm using the IPs arduino provide andused the MKRVIDOR4000_graphics project to understand what to do and build the project like you see in RTL attached.
Just take the MIPIcsi2 block to convert from MIPI serial to RGB, then use the FBST block to generate the Sync signals and finally use the DVIout block to stream it to the HDMI port.
I use the USBblaster emulator from Arduino to program and debug in signaltap but for now I just was able to generate a black HDMI signal than the screen recognize correctly but no video data since there is no video data in MIPI interface. at least I can't adquire data in signaltap and if I use the MIPI clk as driver the signal tap does not adquire (waiting for clock so maybe not clock signal is present).
This could be due there no I2C configuration in my design?.
I tried to workaround this issue preloading the VidorEnableCamera sketch to enable the camera and after that tried to load my design but when loading the Usb_Blaster.ino to program my gateware the FPGA seems to reconfigure since the camera stops working and the arduino logo appears. then the sensor is not responding again if I load my design like in previous test.
I tried to capture signaltap data on power up but nothing no data valid from MIPI neither Start bit rising and don't know why.
when load the Usb_Blaster.ino, Is loading a new design to the FPGA or re-configuring something inside?.
I you want to try I just use the MKRVIDOR4000_template project and modify the code of Top design:
* Copyright 2018 ARDUINO SA (http://www.arduino.cc/)
* This file is part of Vidor IP.
* Copyright (c) 2018
* Authors: Dario Pennisi
* This software is released under:
* The GNU General Public License, which covers the main part of
* Vidor IP
* The terms of this license can be found at:
* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
* You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to modify or
* otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the Arduino
* software without disclosing the source code of your own applications. To purchase
* a commercial license, send an email to license@arduino.cc.
module MKRVIDOR4000_top
// system signals
input iCLK,
input iRESETn,
input iSAM_INT,
output oSAM_INT,
output oSDRAM_CLK,
output [11:0] oSDRAM_ADDR,
output [1:0] oSDRAM_BA,
output oSDRAM_CASn,
output oSDRAM_CKE,
output oSDRAM_CSn,
inout [15:0] bSDRAM_DQ,
output [1:0] oSDRAM_DQM,
output oSDRAM_RASn,
output oSDRAM_WEn,
inout bMKR_AREF,
inout [6:0] bMKR_A,
inout [14:0] bMKR_D,
// Mini PCIe
inout bPEX_RST,
inout bPEX_PIN6,
inout bPEX_PIN8,
inout bPEX_PIN10,
input iPEX_PIN11,
inout bPEX_PIN12,
input iPEX_PIN13,
inout bPEX_PIN14,
inout bPEX_PIN16,
inout bPEX_PIN20,
input iPEX_PIN23,
input iPEX_PIN25,
inout bPEX_PIN28,
inout bPEX_PIN30,
input iPEX_PIN31,
inout bPEX_PIN32,
input iPEX_PIN33,
inout bPEX_PIN42,
inout bPEX_PIN44,
inout bPEX_PIN45,
inout bPEX_PIN46,
inout bPEX_PIN47,
inout bPEX_PIN48,
inout bPEX_PIN49,
inout bPEX_PIN51,
// NINA interface
inout bWM_PIO1,
inout bWM_PIO2,
inout bWM_PIO3,
inout bWM_PIO4,
inout bWM_PIO5,
inout bWM_PIO7,
inout bWM_PIO8,
inout bWM_PIO18,
inout bWM_PIO20,
inout bWM_PIO21,
inout bWM_PIO27,
inout bWM_PIO28,
inout bWM_PIO29,
inout bWM_PIO31,
input iWM_PIO32,
inout bWM_PIO34,
inout bWM_PIO35,
inout bWM_PIO36,
input iWM_TX,
inout oWM_RX,
inout oWM_RESET,
// HDMI output
output [2:0] oHDMI_TX,
output oHDMI_CLK,
inout bHDMI_SDA,
inout bHDMI_SCL,
input iHDMI_HPD,
// MIPI input
input [1:0] iMIPI_D,
input iMIPI_CLK,
inout bMIPI_SDA,
inout bMIPI_SCL,
inout [1:0] bMIPI_GP,
// Q-SPI Flash interface
output oFLASH_SCK,
output oFLASH_CS,
inout oFLASH_MOSI,
inout iFLASH_MISO,
inout oFLASH_HOLD,
inout oFLASH_WP
// signal declaration
wire wOSC_CLK;
wire wCLK8,wCLK24, wCLK64, wCLK120;
wire [4:0] wJTAG_BURST_COUNT;
wire wDPRAM_CS;
wire [7:0] wDVI_RED,wDVI_GRN,wDVI_BLU;
wire wDVI_HS, wDVI_VS, wDVI_DE;
wire wVID_CLK, wVID_CLKx5;
wire wMEM_CLK;
wire [24:0] oMIPI_DATAFF;
// MIPI input
assign bMIPI_GP[0]=1'b1;
assign bMIPI_GP[1]=1'bz;
assign wVID_CLK = wCLK24;
assign wVID_CLKx5 = wCLK120;
assign wCLK8 = iCLK;
// internal oscillator
cyclone10lp_oscillator osc
// system PLL
.iMIPI_CLK (iMIPI_CLK), // mipi.clk
.iMIPI_D (iMIPI_D), // .data
.oMIPI_DATA (oMIPI_DATA), // mipi_st.data
.oMIPI_START (oMIPI_START), // .start
FIFO u1(
.wrclk (iMIPI_CLK),
.rdclk (wVID_CLK),
.rdempty (~oMIPI_DATAVLDFF),
.pHRES (640),// pHRES=1280 640
.pVRES (480),// pVRES=720 480
.pHTOTAL (762),// pHTOTAL=1354 762
.pVTOTAL (525),// pVTOTAL=910 525
.pHSS (656),// pHSS=1300 656
.pHSE (752),// pHSE=1340 752
.pVSS (490),// pVSS=778 490
.pVSE (492) // pVSE=782 492
.oBLU (wDVI_BLU), // vport.blu
.oDE (wDVI_DE), // .de
.oGRN (wDVI_GRN), // .grn
.oHS (wDVI_HS), // .hs
.oVS (wDVI_VS), // .vs
.oRED (wDVI_RED), // .red
.iCLK (wVID_CLK), // vid_clk.clk
.iFB_START (oMIPI_DATAFF[24]), // stream.start
.iFB_DATA (oMIPI_DATAFF[23:0]), // .data
.iHS (wDVI_HS),
.iVS (wDVI_VS),
.iDE (wDVI_DE),
reg [5:0] rRESETCNT;
always @(posedge wMEM_CLK)
if (!rRESETCNT[5])
Also attach some signaltaps capture to see what I'm talking about.
Thanks in advance,