What's the best way to power a Motor-driven expansion board L293D motor control, Uno R3 Ultrasonic, infrared sensors, etc? How many batteries should I be using, do i need to power the Uno R3 with a separate power supply? Thank you in advance.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated
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It all depends on what you are driving. What motor are you driving? Voltage? Stall Current? That will be the largest consumer of your battery compared to the Uno and other sensors.
The best way would be to get a driver with MOSFET outputs, that will give you a big improvement is response and battery life. The L293 will drop about 2.8 volts in a bridge configuration, multiply that times the motor current and you are throwing away that much energy. Do the same calculation with 0.1 as your voltage drop and see the difference. Sorry we cannot give you battery sizing, we do not know how long it will run or how much current it will draw. You need to create a battery budget comprised of the current requirement for each item. Then you need to determine how long it will run. You need to determine the maximum size of the battery. Then multiply your number by 1.2 and find a battery that will do what you just calculated.
Hello Gil
Can you please share with me a brand of motor drive with MOSFET you recommend?
Thank you in advance
Sorry I cannot do that. I have no idea of what you are trying to do. I would recommend answering the questions from blh64 for starters.
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