What's up with the forum's CSS?

Every few days, the CSS of the site is messed up. I have to clear the cache and reload to correct the problem. This happens every few days.

Every few days, the CSS of the site is messed up. I have to clear the cache and reload to correct the problem. This happens every few days.

Suppose you were tasked with fixing the problem. Do you think you've provided 1% of the information needed to fix the problem?

ok, it happened again. Here are the errors and warnings from my browser consoles.

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (tigger.gif, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) (cron.php, line 0)

[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: #permissions (responsive.css, line 161)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: #adm_submenus (responsive.css, line 371)

more warnings

[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: #permissions (responsive.css, line 161)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: #adm_submenus (responsive.css, line 371)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 99)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 118)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 128)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 768)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 1837)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 1906)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 3014)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (foundation2.css, line 3583)
[Warning] Unexpected CSS token: thead (foundation2.css, line 4484)

@ commonesense

Odd as don't see issues with either site !

Maybe something at your end ?