When are function prototypes required when programming the arduino?
I have never had to declare function prototypes for the arduino. However, the code below does require the following prototoype:
void gpsdump(TinyGPS &gps);
In the thread at the following link, it states that the compiler will generate function prototypes automatically.
Here's example code for compiling. Comment out "void gpsdump(TinyuGPS &gps)" to see my issue.
#include <TinyGPS.h>
TinyGPS gps;
void gpsdump(TinyGPS &gps);
bool feedgps();
void setup()
void loop()
bool newdata = false;
unsigned long start = millis();
// Every 5 seconds we print an update
while (millis() - start < 5000)
if (feedgps())
newdata = true;
if (newdata)
Serial.println("Acquired Data");
void gpsdump(TinyGPS &gps)
long lat, lon;
float flat, flon;
unsigned long age, date, time, chars;
int year;
byte month, day, hour, minute, second, hundredths;
unsigned short sentences, failed;
gps.get_position(&lat, &lon, &age);
Serial.print("Lat/Long(10^-5 deg): "); Serial.print(lat); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(lon);
Serial.print(" Fix age: "); Serial.print(age); Serial.println("ms.");
feedgps(); // If we don't feed the gps during this long routine, we may drop characters and get checksum errors
gps.f_get_position(&flat, &flon, &age);
Serial.print("Lat/Long(float): "); Serial.print(flat, 5); Serial.print(", ");Serial.print(flon, 5);
Serial.print(" Fix age: "); Serial.print(age); Serial.println("ms.");
bool feedgps()
while (Serial1.available())
if (gps.encode(Serial1.read()))
return true;
return false;